chapter eleven

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genre: angst, fluff

pairing: season 10 spencer reid x oc

warnings: brief and non-descriptive mention of nonconsensual sex, alcohol consumption

word count: 7k

summary: amelia and spencer are forced apart too early in the morning, right at the start of a very important week.



The light pouring in from the open windows wakes me up before my ringing phone does. My eyes squint in an attempt to adjust to the brightness as I grab my phone as quickly as possible. I glance down at Amelia on my chest just to make sure she wasn't woken up. She shifts a bit and moves closer to me but doesn't open her eyes, thankfully. Just as I suspect, Garcia tells me that we have a case and I need to get to the office ASAP. I thank her and hang up.

"Don't go," Amelia murmurs, winding her arms tighter around my waist. "You're so warm. Don't go."

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry," I pull her closer before I even think about getting up, peppering her face with kisses to make up for having to leave so early in the morning. "If you send me a picture of you drinking tea then I'll do the same with my coffee, and that'll make up for the cafe date we won't have today."

She smiles, returning a kiss to my cheek, all she can muster up in her sleepy haze. "Sure thing."

Amelia rolls off of me and gives me the room to get up and start getting dressed. I bustle around her bedroom in search of my clothes and any clean socks. I resort to going through Amelia's closet and grab the socks she has previously stolen from me. I make a mental note to wash and return them to her. I move on to brush my hair and teeth and when I come out of the bathroom, Amelia is holding my phone out for me so I won't forget it.

"Do you know when you're gonna be home?" She tucks her head into her pillow and bats her eyelashes, giving me this soft smile that makes it exponentially harder to leave without guilt eating me alive.

But the guilt grows and grows when Amelia's face starts to fall. Obviously, she wanted an immediate answer of me assuring that I'll be home in a few hours. But I can't promise that. We both know that. That doesn't make it hurt less for Amelia though, especially when tomorrow is so important.

"I don't know," I crouch down beside the bed, bringing my hand through Amelia's hair. Her smile returns and her eyelids flutter, "and I can't ensure that I'll be home for tomorrow either. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," she smiles a smile that I've seen too many times for my liking. Fake, disappointed, upset. "It's not a big deal. We'll have other anniversaries."

"But this is our one year anniversary. I've never dated a girl for a whole year before! It's a big deal for me!"

Amelia giggles, reaching for my hand in her hair and bringing it to her lips. "And I've never dated a boy for a whole year either. It's a big deal for me too, but we'll celebrate a different day."

"But I'll be damned if I don't get back for your exhibit next week. I'll be there."

"It'll be open for a month, you-"

"But the opening night is a big deal. And I'm gonna be there," Amelia holds her hand up, pinky out, and tries to keep her eyes from drooping closed again. I wrap my pinky around hers, "I promise."

Amelia smiles one more time, a genuine smile, and kisses my knuckles one more time. "Get going, dove. Don't be late." She straightens my tie for me and smooths down the shoulder pads on my cardigan. "Tell everyone I say hi. And be careful, please."

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