
2.5K 52 48

genre: fluff
pairing: spencer reid x oc
word count: 8k
warnings: yall. none. this hasn't happened in forever.
summary: spencer and amelia are finally happy.

gonna post a separate "chapter" with an authors note from me right after this.

as always, and for the last time, vote and comment <3


Waking up in the morning has been such a chore lately. The exhaustion that comes over me from the moment I wake up is all-consuming and no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to catch up on my sleep. So when the alarm clock decides to ring as loud as it possibly can in my ear, I slam my hand down on it as fast as I possibly can to hit the snooze button.

The snicker that comes from Amelia's side of the bed earns a small scoff from me and I don't even bother to open my eyes just yet as I pull the duvet closer to my chin. "Go back to sleep."

I feel the bed shifting behind me, Amelia rolling over and scooting closer to me. She slings her arm around my waist and presses her front to my back, bringing a huge smile to my face. She, clearly, isn't making any effort to get out of bed or to encourage me to get out of bed but I couldn't even care less. I just revel in the warmth of her body against mine and her hands brushing over my skin and her breath on the back of my neck. "If you don't get up and get dressed soon then you're gonna be late," she warns, but the way Amelia starts kissing my shoulder blades contradicts every word that drips out of her mouth.

"Mm," I hum nonchalantly, "what's a few minutes?"

Amelia hums back, softer than me, as she sinks further into the bedsheets and uses her leg to pry mine apart, slotting hers in the new space there. "I could stand a few more minutes."

We silently agree to let the silence exist in our bedroom and neither of us moves a single muscle. Amelia's hand even goes still against my chest and her kisses cease, even if I don't want them to. But we just take the moment to feel each other's touches and revel in the way the sunlight just barely pours in through the closed curtains.

Our moment is shortlived as the alarm clock goes off yet again, this time eliciting a groan from Amelia. It's my turn to laugh as I reach forward to hit snooze one more time, but I know that my extra morning time is up and our door will be opening any second. A small whine comes from Amelia's lips as she buries her face further into my neck, and just as her lips touch my skin again, the bedroom door creaks open. I try to keep my face as still as I possibly can, closing my eyes again to fake sleep.

There's the sound of little feet, pitter-pattering as they make their way to the edge of the bed, and then a tiny dip in the mattress. Both Amelia and I keep up our sleeping act as the little feet get closer and closer, trying not to trip over the duvet wrapped so tightly around us.

"Are you awake?" In response, I scrunch up my nose and let out one loud snore. "Daddy, you're faking!"

The little body falls directly on top of mine, making a groan escape my lips, but a smile replaces the unenthusiastic sound, nonetheless. "Oh," I roll onto my back, wrapping my arms around the little one and pulling her to my chest, "you caught me, Miss Eloise," I attack her face with kisses, eliciting a flurry of laughs and giggles that fill the stagnant morning air. "You're so smart. You caught me!"

"And Mommy was faking too!" Eloise reaches for Amelia beside us, clinging to her mother like the tiny koala she is. "You fake it every morning!"

"We're just being silly, peanut," Amelia quips, taking her own turn in attacking Eloise's cheek in kisses. "Daddy's silly, isn't he?"

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