my goodbye :)

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this is it!! this is the end of north.

i am currently in my second semester of my junior year of college and i started this fanfic in my first semester of my freshman year.

this fic got me through the beginning of college, the beginning of this awful pandemic and two quarantines/lockdowns, a trip to a psych ward, and just living life as a college student in general. this fic helped me to create a relationship with an amazing person, one of the most amazing people i've ever gotten to interact with. i really don't know what i'm gonna do now that i don't have spencer and amelia in my life. and their cute kiddos.

i've had an idea about a sequel but i don't love it and i don't know if amelia and spencer need more. i know we all want them to be happy and now they are, i don't want to mess with that.

thank you all so much for your support, your love, your comments, your votes, and your encouragement. i wouldn't have gotten the second half of this fic out so quickly if i didn't have any of that.

i'm going to miss all of this and all of you and i hope you continue to read my work. i'm really proud of my one shot book for mgg and spencer reid and would suggest reading that. my current hyperfixation is spiderman and tom holland so hopefully i should have some of that work out soon. plus maybe i'll post some non-fandom works that i'm proud of.

thank you for everything. gonna miss my girlfriend amelia and my boyfriend spencer. my favorite characters i've ever created.

thank you so much <333


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