chapter twenty eight

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genre: angst angst angst
pairing: season fourteen spencer reid x oc
word count: 8k
summary: the team tries to make headway in finding amelia and run into a huge problem.
warnings: detailed descriptions of torture (physical, mental, emotional) to a child, foster care abuse, piercings, needles, blood, the word "gag" and "puke" but only once and in the same sentence and nobody actually throws up, lots of angst, stalker, non-consensual private pictures, drugging, breaking and entering, alcohol mention, ptsd, murder and hitmen, there are moments where there is an implication in a story of sexual assault but there is no sexual assault whatsoever
there are clearly a lot of warnings so please be careful while reading and take care of yourself! nothing is too graphic but this chapter does contain sensitive and disturbing situations.

as always, please vote for this chapter and let me know your thought as you read because I read every comment and they always make me laugh. so let me know your thoughts, and enjoy!!!!


I knocked over the pictures of Amelia on my desk. I couldn't handle staring at Amelia's smiling face every time I sat to do work anymore. I have to accept the reality that I might never get to see her smile in person again so I don't even want to see it in pictures. I don't want to see her kissing my cheek or pulling a funny face or flashing her perfect smile.

I can barely even stand to look at her scarf that I've had stashed in my desk drawer since we started dating. I'm not even sure if she knows I have it, but I wouldn't be surprised with how many times she's coming to visit and she's left things on my desk. But having a piece of her, even a little piece of silk that she wraps around her head, used to comfort me when I had to go on a hard case. I could come back to the office and pull it out as I do my paperwork and just let her loving energy radiate from the fabric and calm me down.

The calendar is staring me down. Not even because she's been gone a week now. Not even because Amelia has been missing for seven whole days. But because of the certain square covered in little hearts, like a teenage girl in love drew them on. Those goddamn hearts seem to get bigger and brighter every single time I look at them, haunting me and reminding me that the team is no closer to finding Amelia than we were seven days ago.

"Hey, Spence?" My head pops up from the work on my desk, just barely covering the heart-covered square on my calendar that I've been trying to ignore all day. But JJ smiles at me and glances towards the conference room. "Um, we're all assembling at the round table, if you wanna join us?"

I force myself to nod, gathering up the various papers scattered across my desk and marching up the ramp. I take my seat and just continue to do my work, not lifting my head as everyone comes into the room and sits as well. I haven't been doing much speaking lately, unless it's about Amelia and finding her. But like I said, there hasn't been much in the way of leads in this case.

Damian Kelsey and Mr. Scratch are ridiculously smart and sophisticated criminals and are great at covering their tracks. Kelsey learned from his first string of murders how to cover his tracks and he's clearly determined to succeed with whatever his plan is this time. He's done everything he can to cover his tracks. Neither Kelsey nor Scratch have left fingerprints at Amelia's apartment and no matter how much we look into their recent history's, we don't find anything that ties the two to Amelia, aside from the obvious and the stalking photos.

"Alright," Emily charges into the room with a case file in hand, throwing it onto the table and standing before everyone, "I know today is an extra hard day for everyone but we have no made no headway with this case and that is absolutely unacceptable and–"

"I'm sorry," Penelope raises her hand, displaying a pen with a fuzz ball on the end, eyebrows scrunched up, "why is today any harder than any other day? This last week has been absolutely horrible and today has been just as trashy as the others,"

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