chapter thirty two

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genre: angst, fluff!!
pairing: season fourteen spencer reid x oc
word count: 17.8k (i am genuinely so sorry for this. this is the chapter that never ends. i'm so sorry.)
warnings: prison arc details (murder, drugs, prison, abuse, violence)
summary: spencer and amelia recover from recent events and move on to the next chapter of their lives together.

my friends. we have made it. this is the last chapter and then the epilogue! i'll definitely write a whole big sappy thing at the end of the epilogue so i'll keep my thoughts for then. i've had the moodboard for the epilogue done since july of 2020. that's fucking wild.

please vote and comment!! y'all are gonna enjoy this one.


"Was this supposed to go in the living room or in the upstairs hallway?"

I look over my shoulders at Spencer who's holding up a picture frame. "Uh," I twist around the other way to look into the living room and look at the empty wall, "the living room, I guess? I know we specified somewhere to put it but I can't remember either. We can always put something else in the hallway."

"Maybe we should've made a master list of where everything was supposed to go when we packed it up," Spencer grumbles as he walks off to go hang up the picture frame.

"The biggest issue is gonna be organizing your books and putting those onto shelves. That's a monster I don't wanna tame," I shout, picking up my paintbrush again and getting back to work.

"I'll deal with my books. I've got a system for their organization. Don't you worry about that," Spencer yells back, bringing a smile to my face. I just keep my focus on the wall in front of me and make sure the lines on the arch are perfect, finding myself getting lost in art for the first time in as long as I can remember. I haven't painted or drawn a picture or done anything of the sort since Spencer's arrest and I never thought I would. So even though all I'm doing now is painting walls in my new house with solid colors or arches or accent colors, it feels like coming home after being on a long vacation.

Another hour passes before I decide I'm pleased with the arch I've painted on the wall and when I stand back to admire what I've done, Spencer comes to my side, pulling me into his chest. "It looks really good."

I roll my eyes, scoffing out a laugh as I wipe the sweat off my forehead. "It's just a simple arch. It's hard but it's not that hard."

"I couldn't do it," Spencer tells me, his eyes shining with pride as he smothers me in a hug. "And I'm just happy to see you painting again. I'm sure you know that. You should just paint little things around the house. Cornelia flowers are your favorite thing to paint so just add those in places around the house. Like those things you always point out in those kids movies. What are they called?"

I tuck my hands under his shirt as I giggle, laying my hands flat against his back. "Hidden Mickey's."

"Yeah! Like those!"

My eyes trail up until they meet his, my chin pressed into his chest and a smile playing on my lips. "Now that I've finished painting, can I show you what I have in my car?"

"In your car? That sounds oddly ominous," Spencer chuckles, but he relents nonetheless, following me out the door and to our driveway.

"I'm not sure if you remember the first exhibit of mine that you went to," I pop the trunk open and reveal to him the dove sculpture that I made out of sheets of paper, mostly out of Rossi's book pages, "but you told me you loved this one and I told you that it's not for sale and that we should put it in our first apartment or house together. After the exhibit ended, I put it in storage and saved it for this exact day."

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