chapter twenty three

1.8K 42 13

genre: fluff and angst

warnings: talk about murder, mentions of therapy, one mention of suicide

word count: 5.5k

summary: amelia takes a trip to spencer's new job and then she finds out some information that she should have known a long time ago.

pairing: season thirteen spencer reid x oc

as always, vote and comment on this chapter <3


College is weird. It's a very weird time to experience and it's definitely a time to grow. Even when I was going to college at Carnegie Mellon, I thought it was weird and confusing. I basically just focused on studying, trying not to starve, and attempting to figure out how I was going to support myself with a career in the arts. I almost settled down in New York but I decided on Virginia, and clearly, that was for the best.

But now, as I walk through Georgetown University, I realize that college is still really a blur. It's just downright weird. There's no better way to describe it. You're a teenager, living in a tiny room with a stranger, studying day and night as you rush to get your laundry done and get to class on time. College is a trip. College is a fever dream.

The university itself is quite large and I'm wandering around for quite a long time before I actually find the beautiful looking building I was searching for. Well, I'm glad I wore my pea coat instead of my denim jacket. Autumn is now in full swing and the winter is approaching quickly, and I hadn't been expecting to be walking around outside for so long.

I smile at passing students and wonder if they even bat an eye at my presence. Do I look like a student? All my tattoos are covered. Would they even bat an eye at my tattoos? Why am I thinking about this? Shut up, Amelia.

I tip toe up a flight of stairs, checking some signs up on the walls to double-check that I'm heading in the right direction. But I get to the top of the stairs and then suddenly there's no more signs and I have no idea where to go. Pouting, I look around for someone to ask. There's a group of three girls sitting around a table and chatting amongst themselves, and I figure it's worth a shot. So I head over, and just the sound of my heels on the hardwood brings their attention to me.

"Hi," I smile at them, and they smile back. "I'm a little lost and I was hoping one of you could help. Can someone point me towards Dr. Reid's class?"

The three girls all turn to each other and start giggling quietly. Oh? That's not the reaction I was expecting. Not at all. Well, okay then. The redhead speaks up and gestures down the hallway. "Yeah, Dr. Reid's class is all the way down the hall. Room B13."

"Thanks," I give the girls one more smile before turning and heading off to Spencer's class. I can hear the girls giggling and chatting behind me, louder than they were before. That's so odd. There's no way they're talking about Spencer.

I get to room B13 and peer in the window, seeing the lights off and the screen down, showing a video with graphic images that I'd much rather erase from my mind. But there's an empty chair right in front of the door, and I figure that since the lights are off and there are only twenty minutes left of the lecture, it wouldn't be a big deal if I just slipped in and sat down. I do exactly that, opening the door the tiniest amount possible and sliding into the empty chair.

Just a moment after I've sat down, Spencer flips the light on and the projector goes sliding up into the ceiling. Wow, I bet he had Penelope teach him how to do that. I have to tell him later how proud I am of him for using such technology.

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