chapter twenty four

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i know some lovely readers were dying for the next here you go!! please enjoy :)

vote and comment, as always!

genre: angst

pairing: season 13 spencer reid x oc

warning: blood, murder, suicide implication, a lot of angst

word count: 3.4k

summary: spencer searches for amelia.


Not talking to Amelia is one of the worst things in the world. It's heart-wrenching and it's painful and I miss her immensely if I don't see her every day. While I was in prison, not being able to see her was the worst pain in the world. I went three months without seeing her or talking to her and after that was over, I swore I would never let that happen again. But now, knowing that she's so close to me– nearly within reach– but she doesn't want to see me, somehow that hurts worse.

It's been a week since Amelia stormed out of my apartment, and rightfully so. She has every right to be upset with me, I just wish that she wasn't. I've called her relentlessly and left messages, but she hasn't returned any of them. She responded to a few of my texts just to let me know that she was okay, but that's it. She wasn't calling me to come over or spending the night with me or sending me flirty texts about how much she misses me and how she craves attention from me. It's only been seven days since I've seen here but I miss her more than anything.

Rossi called me on Saturday morning to let me know that Damian Kelsey killed again and left his signature behind– the symbol for female in blood on the forehead of the dead body. But he got closer this time. He's in Florida. He traveled all the way from California to Florida just to murder, and now it's federal case. The director didn't want to let the BAU handle the case and she gave it away, but Rossi and I still went to the scene to check it out and compare it to the others, and compare it to Kelsey's old scenes. Of course, I lied a little bit to Amelia on my whereabouts, but I was only trying to protect her. I wanted to keep her out of this, to not give her something else to stress about, and try to allow her to keep relaxing after years of hardships. After a life of hardships. I didn't want to reignite the trauma that runs her life even if she claims it doesn't. I just wanted her to be happy.

Going to work is the last thing I want to do. All I want to do is show up at Amelia's apartment, fall to my knees, and beg for her forgiveness. But unfortunately, I have a job to do and as much as I don't want to, I manage to drag myself to the front of the lecture hall and start talking.

I show a longer video than normal so that I don't have to talk as much, just staring down at the floor, eyes locked on the scuff on my dress shoes. The video drones on and on and the light from the projector makes my head pound, and I find myself checking my watch relentlessly, wondering if class is almost over and I can can sulk at home alone.

The video ends and the projector rolls up, and all of my students look towards me to start elaborating like I always do. Before I can start talking though, my phone starts buzzing on my desk, but I ignore it. Whoever is calling can wait, even if it's Amelia, but I doubt it is. I start talking about the video to the class, my voice lower than usual. I can't find it in me to be my normal self, pacing around the stage and talking with my hands. I don't have the energy.

My phone rings again and this time it makes me stop talking. I roll my eyes and check who is calling, seeing that it's Jenna. I roll my eyes again. She's probably calling to yell at me for being a horrible boyfriend to Amelia. I let it ring out again but before I can even set it down, she calls me a third time.

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