chapter eight

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I drag myself up the stairs of my apartment, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. I nearly trip off the top stair in my tired haze but I manage to catch myself on the railing before I faceplant. My bedroom is dark and is only lit by the moonlight from the open window, but I wasn't sleeping anyway. I haven't gotten a full night's sleep since Spencer left. I won't until he gets back and we can argue about who's hogging the covers and he can kick me in his sleep and I can lay my head on his chest.

I climb back into bed and tuck my legs under the duvet, trying my hardest to get comfortable on top of my freezing sheets. But before I can, my phone starts buzzing on the bedside table. I groan, cursing whoever is trying to call me at two in the morning. Unless it's Jenna or Frankie or Yaz and they're drunk and need a ride home, because this definitely wouldn't be the first time that happened. I reach over and pull my phone out of the charger, my blood running cold when I find Penelope's contact. What in the world is she calling me about at two in the morning? What if it's about Spencer? Is Spencer okay? Did he get hurt? Is Mike okay? She has never called me this late before and now that Spencer is upset while chasing a serial killer, his margin of error is so much smaller because he could let his emotions bleed into his work life.

I brace myself for the worst and squeeze my eyes shut. "Hello?"

"Oh, thank god!" Penelope exclaims and I can hear that she's out of breath. "I know it's 2 am where you are but I called you three times and you didn't answer and-"

"Penelope," I instantly shut her up. My hands are starting to shake and I feel my chest getting tight in a hauntingly familiar way. "What's wrong?"

"There," she lets out a shaky breath, "there was this crazy shootout at a diner and the unsub went nuts and Spencer was wearing his vest but-" I gasp, tears falling down my cheeks already, "he got hit in the neck. He's in surgery now and me and our unit chief just landed in Texas but I thought you'd wanna know," I let out a strangled sob, falling back against my pillows and curling up. "I'm so, so sorry, Amelia. I-I wish I didn't have to make this call. But there's one more thing I have to tell you."

"No," I whimper, covering my face with my hand, "no more, please."

"The Sheriff," my breath catches in my throat and my hand drops from my face to grasp at the bedsheets, "he was there too."

"He's okay, Penelope," I beg and plead more than I have in the last few years. "Please tell me he's okay. Please tell me he's okay. I can't- please."

"He's fine," Penelope tells me quickly. "He got shot twice but they both hit his vest. He's got some bruises but he got discharged from the hospital a couple of hours ago. I just thought you should know. I'm on my way to the hospital with our section chief to check up on Spencer."

"Wait," my eyes widen, a waterfall of tears cascading down my cheeks, "Penelope, how do you know about Mike-"

"Rossi," Penelope admits shamefully. "After the whole weird thing when he recognized you, he made me do a background check on you and-"

"Oh my god."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! He's one of my higher-ups! I had to! But when you think about the positive side, me doing that background check on you allowed me to know about Mike and I could ca-"

"I-I gotta get out there, Penelope," I stumble off my bed and rush towards my closet, lugging out the first duffle bag I see and stuffing random articles of clothing inside. "I need to see Mike and-and I need to see Spencer."

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