chapter twenty seven

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genre: angst
pairing: season thirteen spencer reid x oc
warnings: drugging, hallucinations, extreme character distress, psychological torture, some injuries, murder (including murder of family members and friends), guns, strangulation, one sentence of suicidal ideation
word count: 2.7k
summary: amelia continues to exist at the hand of scratch and damian kelsey.

today is my first day of school! day one of my second semester of junior year. i'm posting this when i should be heading off to school but wish me luck :)

this is just a little bit of a heavy one, just an fyi. so please be careful while reading and take care of yourself.

if you are confused with anything, please message me or leave a comment and i'll be happy to explain <3 i hope you all enjoy the chapter!! remember to vote and comment!


"Come on, babe, let's go."

The tears pour down my cheeks uncontrollably as familiar voices echo in my ears, words jumbled and distorted. I feel the hands on my body. I always feel the hands. I always feel them tugging at my restraints and pulling at my clothes and twirling my hair. Even when they're gone, I feel their ghostly touches on my freezing skin, as if they're there. They never really leave. No matter how many tears collect in my eyes, no matter how blurry my vision gets, they never leave. I just want them to leave. I just want to sleep. I just want my brain to be quiet.

"We've got you, Amelia. We're here for you." JJ's echoing voice makes my head pound harder, and when Luke's voice follows with similar words, I squeeze my eyes shut. The tears on my cheeks drip down my jaw and my neck. The cold air clings to the trail of wetness and cuts me down to the bone.

"Please," I plead hopelessly, trying to twist my hands around to hold onto the handcuffs around my wrists. "Stop! Leave me alone." I hold the sharp metal as tight as I can, but my hands are pried away and the cuffs are unlatched.

"No!" I scream as I'm dragged off the metal slab and onto the concrete, blood pouring from the countless cuts and gashes on my legs splattering onto the floor. I resist with the tiny bit of strength I have, kicking and screaming and trying to pull away from whoever has a hold on me this time. But they keep dragging me along the rough concrete despite my protests and cries, despite my wailing and tears.

I'm dropped to the ground harshly, the aching in my muscles amplifying as my body folds in half. I grip my hair in my hands and pull at the strands, dropping my jaw in a silent, desperate scream. And my ears fill with a new sound. A new, worse, horrible sound. The sounds of gagging and choking and bodies dropping to the floor.

I shield my face from seeing the faces of my dead friends, trying to bury my face in my lap, clasping my hands over my ears. But it doesn't help. I can still hear gasps and gags and cries of my name and shouting for help.

"Stop!" I rock myself back and forth, clawing at my ears with my broken nails. "Leave me alone! Please stop!"

"Amelia." Spencer's warped voice begs, his words hitting my chest with a power I've never felt before. I shake my head, pressing my forehead against the floor, repeating no as many times as my tongue will allow me to. I try to drown out the voice of my boyfriend with my own voice but Spencer's grows every time mine does. "Amelia! Help me!"

"Stop it! Fucking stop it!" I scream at the top of my lungs, as loud as I can, ignoring the way my throat burns.

And then the choking starts again. The gagging and the sputtering ricochets off the walls and into my ears. Spencer's cries of my name are stuck in my head, even when he's not able to breathe enough to formulate the syllables. My name in his voice hasn't stopped repeating in my head, not for forever.

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