chapter twenty six

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let's please put our hands together for the weirdest moodboard i've ever made. hope you it? or not. that's cool too.

hope you all enjoy this chapter though! as always, please vote and comment. tell me all your thoughts and reactions as you go because i absolutely fucking love that. and, of course, it encourages me to get out the next chapter asap. and speaking of the next chapter, there really aren't a lot of chapters left. maybe...between six to ten chapters left. but i'll let y'all know as we get closer.


new note: happy new year everyone!! i really meant to post this two days ago but my house lost all wifi, cable, and cell service so i couldn't post it. but it's here now! so let's bring 2022 in with some angst.

genre: angst

pairing: season fourteen spencer reid x oc

warning: drugging mention, alcohol mention, abuse mention, murder mention, stalking

summary: the team try to find where amelia is while spencer receives something quite interesting in the mail.

word count: 4k


I can't remember the last time I heard my heartbeat in my ears so loudly. It's echoing and it's reverberating and it's so loud that it hurts. I want my heart to stop beating so loud. I want it to stop beating altogether. I clasp my hands over my ears in an attempt to silence the throbbing, but it doesn't go away. It won't stop. It hasn't stopped.

"Spencer?" My body jerks when I hear Penelope's voice beside me, coiling away when her hand rests on my shoulder. She quickly retracts it as I move away, putting my head down on the round table. Penelope exhales, pulling out the chair beside me. "I know this probably isn't what you wanna hear but I'm really sorry."

I shake my head against my arms, ignoring the way the fabric of my jacket scratches my forehead. "It's not."

"Well," Penelope mumbles, "I'm gonna say it anyway. I'm really sorry and we're gonna do everything we can to find her. Emily just texted me and said the team is just a minute away and we're not gonna stop working until we find her, and we will find her." She shutters, letting out a shaky breath. "We will find her."

I turn my head to her, finding her staring at her closed computer, tears streaming down her cheeks. I can't imagine I look any better than her, any more put together. But then she pops open her computer and starts typing away, only stopping for a millisecond to wipe away her tears. Then the slams her hands back down again and slaps on a look of determination, fingers moving at the speed light.

To my love dove,

Hi!! How are you? I'm only okay, but there's something I need to tell you can it can't wait any longer.

I started watching this tv show called The Good Doctor a few weeks ago and I've finished the entire series. Honestly, Spencer, it's so amazing. I think you would love it so much.

It's not working now. The letter isn't serving its purpose. It's not distracting me. I wish I could have another letter. I wish Amelia could babble on and on about another television show that she watched that I absolutely hated and scrawl her stunning calligraphic handwriting on the paper.

"Is this..." my voice pulls Penelope's attention away from her typing. She looks over at me with wide eyes. "Is this what Amelia felt like when I was in prison?"

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