oh no

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*disclaimer: i do not own attack on titan, or any of the characters*
"hey! hellooo? y/n? dude!" I suddenly snap out of my little day dream, only to see Sasha trying to wake me up.

"what? oh sorry, I guess I just spaced out a bit there" You respond.

"oh I know what you were doing y/n" Sasha teases, a slight smirk creeping up her face.

"what? what are you talking about?"

"oh come on," she groans. "you were looking at HER."

She points to a girl across the hall. she has short black hair, with messy bangs framing her face. her blue eyes are mezmorizing, and her black eyeliner makes them pop. she was stunning. everything about her was amazing.

"y/n! stop staring shes gonna see you!" Sasha whispers.

suddenly, the girl turns her head and looks you dead in the eyes, and you jump back in your seat.

"girl what did i tell you!" Sasha says.

"i didn't mean too!! was i really staring that hard?"

but as Sasha was about to answer, she looked behind you and smirked. "uh i have to go! good luck y/n!"

"good luck? with wha-"

"hey" an unfamiliar voice says. you turn around to see HER standing next to you. you're face goes bright red and you choke on your tongue trying to figure out what to say.

"Mikasa! uh- what's up?" you say as you fill with embarrassment.

"I saw you looking at me." she smirks. "do you have a little crush on me or something?" she says as she winks at you.

'holy shit there is no way this is happening right now!!' you think to yourself. "n-no its not what it looks like, I was just-"

She smirks and pins you to the wall. "or do you have a problem with me?"

"of course not! I-"

she laughs and tucks your hair behind your ear. "you're really pretty y'know." she says.

you're shocked at the sudden gesture as her hands graze your cheek. "oh thank you! so are you!" you can't help but want more.

she chuckles. "so, we have that exam coming up, do you want to come over to my dorm tonight to study?"

you blush at the the thought of being alone with Mikasa. "oh- I would love to!" you respond.

"ill text you." she says with a smile.

you watch her walk away as you stand there in awe. "what the fuck just happened?"

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