[ please ]

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"come in" Mikasa says with a smile.

You step into her dorm, and by the looks of it she didn't have a roommate. you two were alone.

"So-" you stopped mid sentence, you forgot your books! "oh mikasa, i'm so sorry i just realized i forgot my books!"

"oh don't worry about it" she says. "you won't be needing them" she says as she shuts the door behind you.

"wha-?" you say. your heart beating quicker by the minute, having a mini panic attack at what she said. 'she couldn't mean...' you think to yourself, your mind racing.

mikasa smiles to herself. "we can share." she says as she sits down at her desk next to her bed.

"oh," you say, calming down from before. "okay". you follow her in and take a seat on her bed, your legs dangling off the side. she passes you a textbook and you begin to skim through it, looking for the right page.

"so-" you look up at her once you find it, only to see her staring at you.

she notices your nervousness and smiles. "keep going, i'm listening." she says, biting the end of her pencil, not breaking eye contact.

"uh- yeah sorry," you say. "i was actually a bit confused when he was explaining this part..do you think you could-"

"how about we start with some practice questions." she says.

"yeah, that's a good idea" you reply as you flip a few pages. you start to go through the questions, assuming mikasa is doing the same, but she just can't keep her eyes off of you.

a few minutes pass. the tension rising by the second.

mikasa walks over and sits next to you. you look up from your work and your face goes bright red. then, out of no where, she moves closer puts her hand on your thigh. you almost jump from the sudden contact, but once you realize what's happening, your face goes bright red.

"y/n" mikasa says. shes so close to you that you can feel her breath on your skin. her voice sends chills down your spine. "put the book down"

your pulse starts to quicken. you've been waiting for this moment for forever. you want this. you want her. so you do as she says.

mikasa crawls over your lap, her hand between your legs. she traces her fingers down your neck, and you tremble under her touch. you take a risk and put your hand on her waist. you were never the one to make a move.

mikasa puts her hand on your neck and brings your face closer to hers. the air thickens with tension. you lean in, and feel her soft lips intwined with yours. a rush of warmth and desire rushes over you, as your tongue clashes with hers. your grip on her waist grows stronger as the kiss becomes more passionate.

mikasa moved forward and pins you to the bed. the pace starts to quicken as she kisses you along your neck. she finds your sweet spot, making you groan, then she makes her way back up to your lips, much harder this time. you grab her hair and she moans into your mouth. she grabs the edge of your sweater, glancing up at you for permission. you nod, and she takes it off, throwing it to the floor. she unhooks your bra and begins to play with your breasts as she kisses you, making you moan. you take her shirt off as she makes her way down to your breasts. she sucks on your nipple causing you to whine with pleasure. you take off her bra as she kisses you down your body. she reaches your skirt and looks up at you.

" can i?" she asks.

"please" you respond.

she pulls down your skirt, leaving you in just your underwear. she traces your underwear with her finger, making you shiver with anticipation. she kisses your thighs, and begins to take it off. she separates your folds with her thumbs, making you whimper. she leans in and runs her tounge along you. you moan and tilt your head back.

"fuck" you groan out of pleasure

she twirls her toungue around your clit as she plays with your opening with her fingers. you start to breath harder as you become more and more desperate. she sees you becoming impatient.

"beg for it" she says.

you comply since you want it so bad. "please"


"please mikasa" you groan "i want you"

suddenly you feel her finger penetrating you, a wave of pleasure comes over your body.

"m-mikasa" you moan.

she continues to twirl her fingers inside of you as she sucks on your clit. you reach down and grab her hair, owning a groan from her. she starts to go faster and harder, bringing you closer and closer to finishing.

"oh my god" you moan. "Mikasa"

you feel a knot forming in your stomach, you move you hips with the motion of her pleasuring you. you're so close but to your surprise, Mikasa pulls her fingers out.

"please" you beg. "mi-" you get cut off by the feeling of her jamming herself back into you.

you moan as you feel that knot in your stomach tightening. she starts going faster and faster until you can't take it anymore. you arch your back as you feel a wave of euphoria come over you. you moan once more loud enough for the whole floor to hear. but you didn't care. all that mattered in that moment was you and Mikasa. she pulls her fingers out of you and puts them in her mouth, licking up your mess. she comes back up and kisses you sloppily. you lay there breathless, but you weren't done yet. it was her turn.

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