oh shit

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this chapter talks about sexual assault and violence so if that is triggering for you then please skip!!
"holy shit" you say, slightly panting.

you hear mikasa chuckle slightly beside you.


"we should-"

you too say simultaneously.

"oh sorry-" you say with a nervous laugh.

she pauses for a second.

"y/n" she says, looking you in the eyes.

you look back at her.

"why are you always so nervous around me?" she asks with a smile.

"oh, i don't know.." you say, a bit flustered. you couldn't exactly tell her the truth. not yet.

"yes you do." she states, inching closer.

you laugh slightly. "well, i guess-"

she places her finger under your chin, bringing your face up to hers.

"its like you cant make up your mind... one minute you cant look me in the eyes but the next your on top of me" she says, smirking.

your eyes widen.

"what am i to you y/n?"

you pause for a moment. "i think its obvious how i feel about you mikasa but i-"

"y/n" she says. your faces almost touching. her lips a mere inch from yours. the tension builds up again as you feel her breath fanning on your neck. "meet me at my dorm tomorrow morning." she says as she swiftly gets up, gets dressed, and leaves out the door, not missing a beat.

you sit there for a moment, confused. 'what the fuck just happened' you say to yourself.

you start to get up and get dressed, your mind overcrowded with thoughts. 'so does she like me or not....?' you think.

you shake it off, and go back to the party, not wanting to overthink about it the whole night.

you see sasha and connie dancing in the middle of the room, obviously drunk off their asses. sasha spots you and waves at you excitedly, barley keeping her balance.

you wave back at her and laugh as you walk back over to the kitchen. you grab a drink and start to go to the couch, when someone calls your name.

"y/nnnnn" someone says sloppily.

you turn around to see floch, one of the guys who lives at this house. you sigh. 'god i hate frat boys' you think to yourself.

"what do you want?"

"you know what i wantt" he replies.

he walks closer to you and puts his hand on your shoulder. you can smell the alcohol on his breath.

you start to get uncomfortable. " floch get off of me" you say as you push his hand off of you. you try to walk away but he grabs your wrist.

"come on babyyy" he says as his other hand starts to trail up your shirt.

"floch stop!" you say, raising your voice and slapping his hand away. you try to break free from his hold on your wrist, but he refuses to let go.

suddenly you see someone come up behind him. jean.

"she said stop!" he said as he took a swing at floch, sending him to the floor.

"dude wtf!" floch yells, scrambling back to his feet.

he tried to hit him back but misses, giving jean an opening to punch him right im the face.

"fuck! chill out!" floch says, wiping the blood from his nose.

he swings again and manages to land a punch at jeans face. jean stumbles backwards, but stays on his feet.

"i swear to god i'll-" jean mumbles angrily.

floch tries to hit him again but jean grabs his arm mid-air, only inches from his face. the look of anger on floch's face quickly turns to fear when he sees the look in jeans eyes.

you gasp as jean slams him into the wall. floch hits the floor and tries to get up, but he kicks him back down.

jean then bends down, his foot on floch's chest. "touch her again i'll fucking kill you" he says behind clenched teeth.

floch lays there, face bloody and unable to fight back.

you notice a group of people watching, captivated by the fight that just went down. a few people run over to floch, and one of them even tried to take a swing at jean, but is held back by their friend.

you stare at floch. his face was bloody, his nose was probably broken and bruises were already forming on his body.

'all this for me...? he did this for me...?' you think, still staring shockingly at floch. 'why would he do so much for me.?'

suddenly jean looks at you, and all the anger and aggression he's feeling melts away when he makes eye contact with you.

"y/n!" he says, running over to you. "y/n are you okay?"

you stand there for a second before hugging him, burying your face into his chest.

"thank you jean"

he blushes and wraps his arms around you.

you two stay like that for a few seconds, engulfed in each other's embrace.

he's warm.

he's comforting.


"y/n" he says, breaking the silence. "i have to tell you something. i've wanted to say this for a while but.."

just when he says those words, a realization comes to mind. you put the pieces together. it all makes sense now.


jean likes you.

if finally hits you and you immediately back away from the hug.


jean notices your expression.

"is everything okay-?"

you don't reply.

"y/n?" he says with concern.

"i-i have to go" you say. you quickly push through the crowd and out the door.

jean stands there, distraught. watching you leave him, yet again.

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