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summer was finally here.

you were going home to your family on the weekend, so you wanted to spend the next few days with your friends. and if that wasn't exciting enough, your five month anniversary with mikasa was today. 5 whole months. wow. time really flies when you're with her.

you never could have imagined ending up with mikasa. the girl of your dreams, literally. shes perfect in every way. you couldn't find a flaw in her if you tried.

you've had a crush on her ever since you first laid eyes on her, but you never thought she'd go for someone like you. to be honest, you were almost scared of her at first, but now that you've spent all this time with her, you know who she truly is.

she's different with you. in public shes quiet, yet intimidating. it's funny to see people scared of her, knowing that you've seen her soft side. but when you're together, she never drops the whole 'intimidating' act. even when you have her at your mercy she's still intimidating. just one look into her eyes and its like you've fallen victim to a siren. just a snap of her fingers and suddenly you can't say no.

but thats just something you love about her. how she's able to manipulate you with nothing more than her gaze.

man it was hot.

but you've been with her for a while now, and you got to see a different side of her. a side that you've fallen in love with.

people say that the beginning of the relationship is the peak, but after a while you loose the spark. but it wasn't like that with mikasa. you never lost your 'spark'. things never got old with her, you never got tired of being with her. you would marry her on the spot if you could.

but what's stoping you? is it because you're young, broke, or are you just scared of commitment?

whatever it was, you knew that you're not ready for that. you want to take things slow with her. you want to enjoy every second with her, and savour every glance. you didn't know what was going to happen next. all you know is that she's the love of your life, and you want to make her happy.


you lay next to mikasa, wide awake. you're impatiently waiting for her to wake up. it was already 10:47, and you couldn't wait. you're tempted to wake her up, but last time you almost got punched in the jaw. not making that mistake again. but she just looked so pretty when sleeping. her eyelashes, laying elegantly on her face. her skin, flawless and soft, and those lips- god those lips... you wanted nothing more than to kiss her right now...

fuck it, you couldn't wait any longer. you decided to test the waters and wake her up. carefully this time. you didn't want a black eye on your anniversary.

"mikasaaa" you whisper as you slowly get up and crawl over to her. you wrap your arms around her and cuddle into the crook of her neck. you wait for a response, but when she doesn't react you place a kiss on her cheek, hoping to wake her up. she still doesn't respond.

you prop yourself up on your elbow as you stare blissfully down at your girlfriend. you sigh, admiring her beauty.

after what seemed like forever, she finally woke up. her eyes fluttered open, her delicate skin flushed by the morning light.

you tuck her hair behind her ear, revealing her breath-taking complexion. "good morning"
she smiles as you lean down to kiss her.

"its our anniversary today" she replies as she sits up against the head board.

"mhm... 5 months" you say with a grin.
"so what do you want to do today?"

"hmm idk.." you say jokingly, putting a finger to your chin. "we don't have plans until this evening.. and sasha's at nicolo's.."

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