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"Sasha calm d-" she cuts you off with a hug.

you had just told her the news about you and mikasa, and she was over the moon about it.

"I'm so happy for you!!"

you smile. "thanks sasha."

"does armin know??" she asks excitedly. "oooo can i tell connie??! did you tell jean-" she slaps her hand over her mouth, completely forgetting about what happened between you and jean

"jean.." you sigh. you hadn't talked to him since that night. in fact you've been avoiding him.

"you really should talk to him y/n, its been weeks."

"I know, i just hadn't had the time too, and now I have a girlfriend, I just don't want to hurt him even more."

" i understand, and i'm sure he will too. trust me y/n, i've known him for years and if there's one thing i've learned about him, its that he's a crybaby when he's drunk."

you laugh. "you're right. i'll talk to him."

she smiles. "good girl" she says playfully while ruffling up your hair before she sits down on her bed.
"so," she says.

you glance over at her.

she takes a big breath, obviously excited. "i have a date tonight"

"what?? with who? tell me everything!" you say as you scurry over to sit next to her.

she blushes. "well his name's niccolo.. and he offered to cook me dinner at his place"

"what's he like? is he cute?" you ask excitedly.

sasha blushes and falls down on the bed. "hes perfect! he has blue eyes, blonde hair..."

"sounds boring" you tease. "mikasa's hotter."

"can't argue with that"

"woah woah woah, keep it in your pants sasha shes mine" you say, playfully.

"for NOW" she says.

"hey!" you say, laughing. you start play-fighting with her. she giggles as you push her over. pinning her down as you sit on top of her.

"when did you get so strong?" she says, giggling.

"hmm i dont know... maybe from fucking your mom every night." you respond, trying to hold back your laughter.

sasha snorts. "in that case i'll just have to blow your dad. call it even?" she says, putting her hand out for you.

you roll your eyes and shake it, before getting off of her, before she hops off the bed as well.

"hey" she says, trying her best to sound stern, but being closer to a giggle instead. "jean."

"yeah yeah, i got it" you say as you grab your phone.

you hesitantly open messages, and your finger wavers over jean's name. you dread the conversation you're about to have but you know it has to be done.

You: "hey"
You: "can we talk?"

you put your phone down as you nervously await his response. a few seconds pass and you anxiously check your phone.

"read 7:32"

'fuck' you say to yourself. you want nothing more than for all for all of this drama to be settled. jean's one of your best friends and you miss him.

Jean: "can you meet me outside? i'd rather talk in person."

you sigh. you're relieved that he's willing to talk after how you treated him.

You: "okay"


You stand on the sidewalk outside the building, tapping your foot as you nervously wait for jean. You scan the area, and see him walking towards you

You run up to him, just wanting to get this over with, and for your friendship to go back to normal.

"jean i'm so sorry! I shouldn't have run off on you like that and I shouldn't have ignored you when you were trying to talk to me! I really hope I can make it up to you because you-"

"its okay." he says, cutting you off from ramblings on any further.

you look up at him and to your surprise, he doesn't look upset at all.

"y/n i was drunk. if i'm being honest i don't even remember much, besides absolutely destroying that bitch floch,"

you laugh, relieved that he's not upset with you.

"but what I said was true... I really do like you, y/n, even if you don't feel the same way."

you notice him scratching the back of his neck. he always does that when he's nervous. you smile to yourself slightly. you think it's adorable- all the little things he does. you're mad at yourself for taking that for granted. for taking him for granted

you put your hand on his arm and look him in the eyes. "

"jean you're my best friend, and you mean so much to me. I really don't deserve you." you take a deep breath. "i wish i felt the same way about you...I know you'd treat me well, but i'm with mikasa now. im sorry.."

He smiles warmly at you. "i get it. mikasa's lucky to have you."

You smile back at him, all the dread you felt before melting away. "now can we go back to being friends? i miss you"

he laughs as he pulls you in for a hug. you wrap your arms around him, feeling safe in his embrace.

he always gives the best hugs.

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