[ fuck ]

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the two of you walk to the back of the house and into an empty room.

"now where were we?" mikasa says with a smile.

she pushes you against the wall and starts to kiss you once again. with more force this time. you feel the tension rising as your lips push against hers. her hand trails down your chest as yours meet her waist. you slide your hand up her shirt, feeling her abs underneath you. you break from the kiss for a second to take her shirt off, and she does the same to you.

you two make your way over to the bed, without your lips leaving each-other. you sit on mikasa's lap, pushing her up against the headboard. you wrap your legs around her waist as your arms hang over her shoulders. you unhook her bra and she glides her hand down your back. you drag your hands down to her skirt and begin to slide it off. she pushes you in, your hips sliding against her. you moan slightly at the feeling. she kisses you along your neck, making sure to leave a mark. you inhale deeply with each kiss, savouring this intimate moment.

suddenly she pushes you down, hovering above you. she takes off your bra and starts to unbuckle your pants. she slides them off leaving you in nothing but underwear. she then goes back up and her lips smash against hers. you put your hand on her breast, playing with her as her tongue fights with yours in your mouth. she moans slightly into your mouth, sending shivers down your spine. she move her hand down to your underwear, caressing you gently along the seams. you flinch, sensitive to her touch.

"is this okay?" she asks.

you not and grab her head, bringing her back into your lips. she smiles and starts to take them off. without breaking the kiss, she begins to slide her hand down. she paws at your entrance, causing you to groan in pleasure. she then trails away from your mouth, and kisses you all the way across your body. she slowly moves closer and starts to lick your clit.

you gasp at the sudden sensation. she smiles at your reaction and you can feel her grin against you. she moves her tongue down you and thrusts it inside of you. you moan and immediately slap your hand over your mouth, not wanting others to hear you. she grabs your arm and pins it down.

"let them hear" she says. the vibrations of her voice quivering against you.

she plunged her tongue even deeper causing you to sit up from the pleasure. she rubs your clit with her finger making you moan. you prop yourself up with your arms and she makes eye contact with you. you try to look away but she grabs your face, making you look at her.

"look at me when i fuck you y/n"

you bite your lip and watch as she continues to shove her tongue inside of you. she looks you in the eyes as she jabs a her middle and ring finger in you, causing you to tilt your head back at the added force.

"fuck mikasa" you moan through a shaky breath. she pulls herself in and out of you, faster by the moment.

you grip on to the sheets, and she suddenly bites you clit, making you moan from both pleasure and pain. you grab onto her hair as the pleasure becomes overwhelming. you moan again as she moves faster and harder, pushing her face in even more to add pressure.

"m-mikasa" you moan. thank god for the loud music outside the room or everyone would know what your doing.

mikasa grabs your thighs and fucks you even harder.
your eyes start to water and you feel a knot forming in your stomach. you grab on to the edge of the bed.

"oh-oh my god" you moan.

she drives herself into you one more time, causing you to hit your high.

"fuck" you moan, practically gasping for air.
you eyes roll back and your legs start shaking. an overbearing feeling of pleasure and euphoria runs over you body. you you fall back on the bed, unable to keep yourself up. despite being almost numb from the pleasure you can feel mikasas fingers sliding out of you, and her tongue caressing you, licking up your mess.

"holy shit mikasa" you say while lying breathless on the bed. chest heaving as sweat drips down your body. last time was nothing compared to this. in fact its never been this good. this was just, fuck, this was just amazing. she was amazing.

you use the little energy you have left to kiss her. you taste yourself on her lips. even the kiss is different. her soft lips against yours, her tongue in your mouth, everything about this kiss was wonderful. it was full of more than just lust, it was laced with something that you'd been feeling all along. it was something that you felt the moment you met her.

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