just friends

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you start walking back to your dorm, your head crammed with thoughts.

'he's just a friend he's just a friend he's just a friend he's-'


you feel a hand on your shoulder.

"y/n what happened?"


its just sasha.

she's still drunk, but she came after you anyways.

"y/n! are you okay??" she says as she turns you around to face her. "jean got in a fight and then you-"


"i- what?"

"he likes me"

sasha looks at you, surprised.

"he likes me and i don't know what to do." you say, not giving her time to reply.

sasha struggles to find the words.


"hes my friend and i don't want to hurt him but..."

"well it's too late for that" sasha says jokingly.

"sasha please" you plead. "what do i do?"

"just be honest with him... but y/n," she says as her face turns more serious. "jean isn't the one to get into fights unless he really cares about someone... what happened?"

you breath starts to get shaky. "it was floch.."

"what did he do? y/n he didn't..?"

"no.. jean stopped him but-"

sasha cuts you off with a hug.

"I'm sorry. i shouldn't have left you alone.. none of this would have happened if i had ju-"

"its not your fault sasha, its mine. i shouldn't have ran off on jean like that, don't apologize."

sasha pulls back and wipes the tears off your face.

"but what am i supposed to say to him sasha? and what about mikasa? do i tell her? what if she gets mad?"

"y/n she won't. don't worry too much about it, and you, i mean look at you! you're hot, and funny, and you're my best friend! no wonder he likes you!"

"thanks sasha." you say with a smile. "now lets go home, you can barley keep your balance."

"good idea" she says with a laugh.

you too walk back to your dorm together. you have a few texts from armin.

armin: "hey are you okay? what happened at the party?"

you: "ugh long story"
you: "can we talk abt it in the morning? sasha just passed out on the bed and my head is killing me :/"

armin: "yeah ofc dont worry abt it! goodnight!"

you: "goodnight armin :)"

you smile to yourself. your friends are always so good to you.

'i dont deserve them' you think as you put down your phone, heading to sleep.

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