the moon

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you step into the house, only to pushed around into the crowd. you've never been big on parties. you go to the odd one here and there and most of the time it's because sasha or armin made you, but tonight is gonna be different. you're gonna have fun, you deserve it.

"hey sash-" you turn around to see sasha getting handsy with some blond guy. 'damn already??' you say to yourself.
you've always been a bit jealous of her, and how she can just put herself out there like that. unlike you, she was the type to party every night. she just liked to have fun, and she didn't care about what people had to say about her. you always admired that about her, despite being best friends you didn't really have much in common.

you look around for armin, and see him talking with a group of people. he notices you looking lost and waves at you to come over. you weave your way through the crowd and head over to them.

"hey y/n!" you hear someone say. you look up to see eren looking at you.

"oh, hey eren!" you say.

you've been to a few of his parties but besides that you've never really talked to him much. armin's super close with him though, so you hear all about eren from him. now that you think about it, armin talks about him a lot...
'huh' you think. 'those two definitely have something going on.'

"whos this?"  says someone with a bit of a snarky tone.

you look over to see a girl staring at you. she was plastered with freckles and had short brown hair. she had her arm around this blonde girl.

"ymir be nice!" the blonde one says.

"oh, i'm y/n, i'm a friend of armins" you reply.

"which ones armin?" she says.

"ymir!" says the blonde girl, shooting her a sharp look. "I'm historia and this is my girlfriend ymir! its nice to meet you!" the blonde one says.

"yeah, you too!" you say with a smile, a bit flustered at the rather strange interaction.

the group of you stand there in an awkward silence for a few seconds before armin buts in.

"um, eren can i talk to you over there for a second?"

eren nods and the two of them walk off, leaving just you, ymir and historia.

"um, i'm gonna go get a drink." you say awkwardly. historia smiles and waves at you as you walk off.

you walk over to the kitchen, and see big cooler sitting on the counter. you rummage through it and grab a drink. you take a big gulp, almost drinking the whole thing. you feel the alcohol flow down your throat, giving you a slight rush of adrenaline.


you see jean standing next to you.

"oh come on, don't act like you weren't just chugging a beer over there."

he raises his hands in protest. "just be careful. this is a frat party, you never know whats gonna happen.

you smile. "you don't have to worry about me jean"

you always mess around with him, but deep down you find it sweet how he cares about you so much.

"you're my friend! i care about you! of course i do!"

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