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You burst through the door to your doom which you shared with Sasha.

"you'll never believe what just happened!!" you say excitedly to Sasha.

"omg what?? tell me everything!" she responds eagerly.

You explain everything to her, still in shock.

"holy shit girl!!! we have to get you ready! what time are you going over?" Sasha says, nearly falling of the bed from excitement.

"its just a study date! not even a date! i dont want to make a big deal over it." you respond.

"y/n come onnnn! this is your chance!"

"i dont know.. and she probably doesn't even see me the same way"

"are you kidding me? after all that? just come on, you dont have to put on anything fancy, just freshen up a little bit!"

"ugh fine" you say, sasha giving you a big hug.

"yes!! okay, you hop in the shower, and i'll pick out an outfit for you!"

you get dressed in a white mini skirt and blue oversized sweatshirt, the outfit Sasha had picked out for you. you turn to her to see what she thinks.

Sasha puts her hands to her face "you look so cute!! its perfect!" she squeals.

"thanks" you smile "you picked it out!"

Sasha leans in to give you a hug. "okay now go! you don't want to be late!"

"i'm going i'm going!" you say as you step out the door. Mikasa's dorm wasn't far from yours, so you didn't have long to go.

'408' you said to yourself. 'this is it.' you knock on the door.

the door suddenly opens with a creek.
"hey y/n"

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