here we go

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you slowly wake up, flinching at the slight pain in your hips from the night before. you smile to yourself, recalling the events of last night. you being wrapped around mikasas fingertips one moment, and being in control the next. you slowly turn around, to see mikasa staring at you. you blush at the sight, as if she didn't just violate you a few hours ago.

"good morning" she says with a smile. "how was your sleep?"

"the best ive ever had" you respond.

she puts a hand on your face, and brings you closer. your lips make contact as you're engulfed in her warmth. your tongue battles against hers, as you lift yourself onto your elbows, putting your hand on her waist. the kiss becomes more passionate, as you run your hand through her hair. you were tired, but you would keep going, for her. she senses your drowsiness, and stops herself from going any further. she pulls apart, a strand of saliva connecting you to her.

"i need to go take a shower" she says, smiling.

you lay back down, and watch her get out of bed, the sheets falling off, revealing her bare figure.
'wow' you thought to yourself. 'shes amazing.' you slowly start to get up and grab your phone. '10:45' the clock reads. "fuck!" you say to yourself as you scurry out of bed. you didn't have class but you made plans with your friend at 11, leaving you with little time to get ready. you pick up your clothes off the ground, and rush out the door.

"armin! im so sorry im late! i was-" you say as you burst through the cafe doors.

"dont worry about it y/n! its nothing" he says with a smile. you've known armin since you were a kid, so he was like a brother to you, you could tell him anything. you sit down across from him, still a mess.

" oh my god" he says.

"what?" you reply, confused to what he was so happy about.

"you fucked someone last night" he says, practically falling off of his seat.

"what- armin! quiet down!" you say as your face goes bright red. "how- how the hell did you know-?"

"who was it?" he says with a smile.

"well..... it was mikasa..."

"ackerman???" he replies, bursting with excitement.

"yes, who else would it be?" you teased "but keep it down alright, it was probably just a one time thing, and it all happened so fast, i dont know if she feels the same way."

"dude" armin says, with a dead pan look on his face. "you fucked mikasa ackerman, shes not the type to get with just anyone"

"i dont know... i dont even know her that well"

"but you like her, right? sasha's told me all about how you look at her, you can't deny that you have feelings for her"

"thats the thing, i do like her. i felt confident when i was with her, in a way that i dont feel when im with anyone else, but i just don't know if she feels the same way about me"

"y/n" armin says, putting his hand on yours. "do you think maybe you just dont want things to end up like they did with him?"

you were surprised that armin even brought him up. the truth was, you had been dating this guy for a while, and you thought he really liked you, but it turns out you were just a bet between him and his friends.

"its just that i really like mikasa, but what if shes just using me like he did" that was the first serious relationship you had been in, and it ended horribly. you didn't want it to be the same with you and mikasa.

"y/n, this is different. porco was just a dick, you need to stop thinking that everyone else is the same"

porco. your mood drops at the sound of his name, you hope you'd never have to hear it again.  "you're right" you say with a sigh."i need to stop thinking about him."

"there we go," armin says, holding you hand. "look, you need to go out tonight. get drunk, let loose, then go tell mikasa how you feel. theres a party at erens tonight, we can go there."

"fine" you sigh. but you're coming with me"

you an armin spend the day with each other, then you head back to your dorm to get ready for the party.

"un hey?" sasha says when you walk through the door, sounding a bit confused.

"hey! so-"

"girl, i haven't seen you since last night... did something happen with mikasa..?" she says as a smirk grows on her face.

you smile, "well..yes, but ill tell you later, we have to get ready! armin's making me go to eren's party tonight and you're coming too."

"ooh yess!! is mikasa gonna be there?" she says, squealing with excitement.

"hopefully.... but i'm a mess i have to get ready, i cant see her looking like this."

you and sasha get ready, then meet with your friends, armin and connie outside the party.

Jean blushes when he sees you. "oh- wow- y/n y-you look great!" he stutters.

you smile but before you get a chance to answer, you get interrupted.

"CONNIE!!" sasha squeals as she jumps into his arms. "i haven't seen you in forever!!!"

connie wraps his arms around her. "i missed you!! i've been so caught up with stuff that I haven't been able to talk to you much, how are you??"

"ugh get a room" you say as you playfully punch sasha on the arm.

"ew" connie says jokingly at the thought of being with Sasha.

"hey! what is that supposed to mean?" Sasha giggles.

"come on guys" jean says, his face slightly flustered from more than just laughing.
"lets go."

the group of you walk towards the house, pulsing with strobe lights and load music.

'its gonna be a long night' you think to yourself.

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