[ again ]

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you glance at mikasa, still on top of you. a sudden rush of confidence comes over you as you grab her arms and flip her around so you're pinning her down. a look of shock appears on mikasa's face, but it soon turns so lust when she realizes what you're planning.

"im suprised you're still able to move after what i did to you." she says with a smirk.

"dont under-estimate me" you reply back, smiling behind your breath. you straddle her waist and begin to take her pants off. you start grinding on her clothed sex, earning a soft moan out of her. you reach up to go in for a kiss, which she returns passionately. you start to move your hips a bit faster, and reach out to her breast. you slowly trail your kisses down her neck and onto her breast. she gasps and the contact of your toungue swirling around her nipple. you move faster and faster, and you can feel mikasa getting impatient, longing for more.

"y/n" she groans.

you smile at her and move down so you're sitting in between her legs. you gently slide off her underwear as you lift on of her legs up. she shivers under the touch of your hands grazing her thighs.

"now come on" you smirk. " where are your manners?"

"y/n" she giggles. "please?"

you smile to yourself. right now, mikasa does what you say. she's under your mercy. you're in control.
you run your finger along along her wetness,
feeling her quiver underneath you. you start to rub her clit with your thumb, she gasps in response. you bring your face closer, and start to lick at her entrance. you suddenly plunge your tongue inside of her, and she lets out a moan. you continue to rub her clit as you move around inside her, making sure to get evreywhere. you add to her pleasure by thrusting your fingers into her, and you start to nibble her clit.

"fuck" she moans

you smile as you go faster and faster. you reach up to grab one of her breasts, and soon enough the room is filled with the lewd sounds of you pleasuring her. you thrust your fingers in and out of her until you feel her shaking underneath you. shes close. you keep going, expecting to be tired but instead you're filled with adrenaline.

"y/n" she gasps in between moans. "y/n im gonna-" shes interrupted by her own high. you watch in satisfaction as she arches her back and moans, grasping onto the sheets. you pull your fingers out and lick up her mess, her legs still quivering. you lay next to her, and watch as her sweaty chest heaves up and down. you go in for another kiss, but it ends up as a sloppy mess since you were both too tired. you lay there next to her for a moment, watching her in bliss.

"shit" you say, snapping out of your little daydream. "what time is it??"

"y/n" mikasa says, grabbing your arm. "stay."

you glance at her, staring into her beautiful eyes. she really is breathtaking.
it was probably for the best to stay the night, you couldn't walk even if you tried. you lay back down, with your head on mikasas chest, and your arm around hers. she was warm. comforting. she was everything you needed.

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