There was no sunrise, I just watched the sky change from black to grey as it sleeted drops like pellets outside. I had dressed early, my mind too anxious to rest and my stomach too twisted to talk to anyone. In the privacy of my bathroom I repeated my testimony. The words were easy to get out whilst writing, but my tongue was starched sandpaper when I tried to repeat the words. If I screwed this up, it would be the difference between James being free or in prison. I wasn't worrying about me, but fretting for someone else is way worse. Oliver, with all his saintly nature, must have been sick when he thought of me.
When the world lightened just a bit, I got dressed for the day. A pale yellow turtleneck, black business pants, and heeled boots. I made sure Oliver's necklace was showing. "Ich liebe dich," I whispered, kissing the pendant slowly.
By seven 'o clock others began wandering the halls. Sharon was conversing with Sam off to the side, James was looking sullenly out the window. Shuri was there, stoic but with a small upward curve to her lips when she saw me. She looked beautiful, although I could never tell her that. Breakfast was a failed meal for everyone, we were all too nervous to mouth anything down. When no one was looking, I stuffed a package of M & M's into my pocket, for later.
Rose and Jasmine would be taken care of by a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent today, maybe more depending on how long the trial would take. The government wanted it to be finished as soon as possible to diminish the protests, so everything would be accelerated. Yet courts are indecisive and do not have anyone's schedules in mind.
I met the two girls in the hallway. It was refreshing to see them so healthy, and even happy. Jasmine was all smiles and had an array of bows and hairclips in her hair. Rose's hazel eyes sparkled, her hair was gloriously red, and she seemed more at peace now than the entire time I knew her. "Where are you going today, Liss?" she asked.
"I am going to the trial for James Barnes," I explained. "He helped me, and now I gotta help him."
"How long will that take?"
I shrugged and answered, "I can't control it, I'm just going to do my best. When I get back, I promise we'll do something fun."
Rose cocked her head and inquired, "Like what?"
I couldn't derive an example, so I said, "Anything you want."Her eyes shone bright as she told me, "Go to school. I would like to go to school." Exactly like how I wanted to all those years ago. Maybe Matt never let Rose go, maybe it had something to do with the dusting. Either way, at that moment I wanted nothing more than to make that happen. I promised, "Okay, I'll get you to a school."
And I meant it.
Hours later I stepped out of a chic black car to meet the Capitol Building in all of its intimidation. As far as the eye could see, I spotted people. Bright colours, bright signs, flashing lights- my legs quivered beneath me and I stumbled. Shuri caught my arm and offered a gentle smile, and together we braced the brunt of the Winter Soldier Trial. "Miss Fleur!" a reporter shouted. "Are you Elissa Fleur, lady with the scar?"
I shot a glare in the direction of the voice, ready to snap something, but Shuri whispered in my ear, "Don't say a thing, they'll use that against you."
The inside of the Capitol Building was almost angelic with high ceilings and creamy white walls, murals and statues decorating the hallways. Workers bustled everywhere, and I was ushered into the Supreme Court's room. I sat in the front row alongside Shuri and Sharon. James was accompanied by Sam where the defendants sit. A trio of lawyers sat on the other side of the room; one looked me dead in the eyes before gathering the attention of the other two.
They knew who I was. And they were going to find a way to use that against me.
I slumped my shoulders and tried to be unreadable. James turned around made eye contact with me, but his eyes were kinder. I offered a tiny smile and waved slightly. But that was it, for the judges entered the room and called the court to order. I barely listened as plea deals were established, first arguments were made, and prosecutors shook hands with us. There was no time to get a defense lawyer because of having to deal with Crimson Night.
Before I knew it, my breath hitched and my heart fluttered as Sam asked for me to come to the witness' stand, and the defense lawyer began asking the fateful questions.
RandomThis time I will start from the beginning of my life. Or, the life that began after death. I am addicted to drugs. I commit crimes. I work in a gang. My entire life has been lived on the run. My life has been eventful, but miniscule to the rest of...