On the outskirts of town

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Chapter four:

He was here, I knew he was

It was too easy, nothing was that easy, there was no way he could have done it, but there he was, on the outskirts of the town.

The city was run down, the houses were little shacks stacked up on top of each other. All the street lights seemed to be burned out or broken and the light they had came from the fairy lights hung around the city. Elijah was horrified to see the living conditions of the people across the way. He had heard his father mention burning some of his extra money because he had no use for it. After seeing what the other side looked like, he felt anger coursing through his veins. He wanted nothing more than to help these people but he didn't know how. Then he remembered why he came.

Those eyes.

He knew it was selfish to look for what he wanted before what everyone else needed, but he promised himself to take some of the money from his father's volt and give it around the city. He looked at his watch and realized that it was 4 in the morning.

"Day one" he thought to himself.

He crawled around the city, mapping it, learning it's routes, where everything led to, and what everything looked like. It was quite small compared to the rich neighborhood he grew up in. In fact on this side of the border, it was smaller than three mansions. He could've sworn the governor's house was bigger than the entirety of the city. But even so, he didn't fail to notice that on the opposite side of the border lay a beautiful stone bridge going over a lake. Grass, and flowers covered all around it. Rolling calm hills came up as he crossed it. He was curious to where it led.

He walked up the hill, just in time to catch the breathtaking sunrise. It hit all the right angles of the bridge, water, grass, and flowers. It was bathed in a soft orange glow making it look almost magical. He stood there drinking up all the beauty of the sight in front of him. There he saw her. Her eyes looked even more golden in the sunlight, her cheeks a light shade of pink, her lips the most beautiful dust of red, her nose curved perfectly in the early morning sun, her dirty blonde hair danced perfectly in the slight breeze. He stared at her, his lips parted, his heart beating faster, his cheeks blushing, his pupils dilated.

He had completely fallen in love with her and he didn't even know her name.

"You shouldn't be out here, you know that." She spoke, her voice sounded like honey to his ears.

He snapped out of his trance and looked at her, his cheeks started to heat up as she got closer. She stopped right in front of him. He could feel himself start to lean into her but quickly caught himself and snapped back a little. His reaction caused her to furrow her brows in confusion.

"Ummm, sor-sorry." He said scratching the back of his neck trying to make this less uncomfortable for the both of them.

"Don't be, I like it up here in the early morning light too." She said, her lips forming a smile.

He stared at her lips for a few moments, they were so soft and delicate, dusted with red.

It was killing him not to press his lips against hers, but he restrained.

"You don't even know her name, you idiot, what the hell are you doing?" He asked himself.

"Might I ask you your name?" She asked him. His head snapped up looking at her with wide eyes. Could she read his mind?

"Uh, uh my name?" He pointed to himself.

She laughed at his comment, "Of course silly, you're the only one here."

Her laugh made him weak, he had never heard something so delicate and beautiful. She was an enchantress and she had bewitched his mind.

"Right," he laughed nervously, "I'm Elijah." He said with a small smile.

She returned his smile, closing her eyes in the process.

"I'm Isabel."

"Isabel." He repeated.

She opened her eyes, and saw him staring back at her. They looked deep into each other's eyes, feeling a connection instantly. It felt as if hours had passed, no words were exchanged, but it looked as if they knew exactly what the other one was thinking. By the time they were out of each other's minds their faces were so close together. Foreheads touching, noses grazing each other, lips merely a tiny space away. They stayed like that for what felt like another few hours but by the time they pulled away, it had only been minutes.

"I guess we should get back before we get into trouble." She said, rapidly blinking, trying to wrap her head around what just happened.

"Yes, I suppose we should." He said, bidding her forward.

She started her walk back to the city, but stopped and looked over her shoulder at him. She looked at him for another minute longer before holding out her hand, wanting him to take it. He quickly obliged and put his hand in her. He intertwined their fingers hoping she wouldn't pull her hand away. Just to his surprise, she didn't. The two walked hand in hand into the city.

Little did he know what he was about to get himself into.

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