In a quite house

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Chapter eight:

TW: Abuse, mentions of blood, swearing 

He's gone, just like that

The house was quiet this morning. Not that it wasn't every morning, most mornings included very minimal talking. But this day, it seemed extra quiet. The tension in the air was thick from the fight that had raged on. Elijah woke up to meet his sister's sleeping face. He realized that he had fallen asleep on the floor of her bedroom. He looked at the clock next to her bed,


He slowly stood up carefully as not to wake his sister, walking over to the curtains peaking through them. He could see the sun start to break the horizon signaling the start of a new day. He walked to the door and opened it, poking his head through the door. The lights were off and the light of a new day was sleeping through the halls. He walked out and silently shut the door. Slowly walking down the stairs and into the entryway, he slipped outside and took in the beautiful scenery.

The sun was coming up, it created a golden hue over the garden. The birds were chirping and the bees were buzzing. The cool air of the early morning hit Elijah's reddening cheeks, the tip of his nose also becoming more red. He stood there in silence taking it all in. He wondered how the green eyed girl was. He wished he could see her in the golden hue the sun had created over the estate garden. He walked back into the house shutting the door behind him and leaning on it running his hands through his hair.

"Hello, darling."

He looked up at the sound of a familiar voice.

"Mother!!" He eye'd the bruise on her cheek, He flashed her a sympathetic look.

She brought her hand slowly to the wound, ghosting over it.

"I'm alright darling. Really"

"It's not right what he does to us." Elijah clenched his jaw and curled his fists into balls.

"Darling please, let us not fret over things that we cannot control."

"But he shouldn't be able to do that mother."

"I know, but he does and we can't really do anything about it."

Elijah shook his head and pushed off the wall. He walked near the staircase to go up it when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Darling please, don't push your father over the edge more. I have no idea what he will do and I don't want you to be on the receiving end of it."

He took his mothers hand in his and smiled at her weakly.

"It's alright mother, there's nothing he can do that I can't handle."

He removed his hand from his mothers and walked up. He turned the corner to his parents room and walked in. His father was sitting on the bed adjusting his shoelace. He looked up and saw his son and cocked an eyebrow.

"So," his father said, getting up "When did you meet her."

"A little over 4 months ago."

"Ah, 4 months huh?" He walked over to Elijah and lifted up his hand but instead of striking he smoothed out his hair.

Elijah stepped back a bit.

His fathers laughed.

"You really are weak."

This time his father did strike him. His head snapped back by the force of the blow. When he brought his head around to look at his father, he stuck him again, this time a lot harder. He kept striking harder and harder each time. Blood flowing from his nose, a metallic taste forming in his mouth.

"Henry, Henry stop!!" he could barely register what was going on but felt the blows come to a stop.

His mother was pulling his father away from him.

"Henry are you fucking kidding me!?" But his father paid no attention to his screaming wife, instead looking past her out their son, covered in his own blood, His father rubbed his fists and kneeled down to his sons level

"Now, get the fuck out of this house. You have 3 hours."

He looked at his father with wide eyes.

"What?" his voice was hoarse from the beating.

His father kicked him in his ribs causing him to cry out.

"I said that you have 3 hours to get the hell out of my house."

He looked up at him, trying to open his eyes.

"Yes sir."

His father stood up, fixed his suit and walked past his screaming wife. Elijah's eyes brimmed with tears. He let out a sob mixed with a cry of pain. He wrapped his arm around his ribs and let himself cry. His mother rushed to his side, removing his arms from his side and lifting up his shirt so she could see the damage. It appeared that he had broken at least one rib and he needed to go to the hospital to get it fixed.


Carla turned to see her daughter's worried face, her eye's moving from her mother's then to her injured brothers.

"Mommy what's going on." tears filled her eyes as she watched her brother lying on the floor in agony.

"I'm going to have t0 leave you for a little darling."

"No, mommy please."

"It's alright, I have to help your brother. Could you do him a favor?"

She nodded her head.

"I need you to pack a suitcase for Elijah, can you do that for him?"

"Ok." she replied simply nodding again before running off to his room.

"Ok darling let's get you to the hospital. I'm going to move you ok?" she said, placing her hand on his shoulders to lift him in a sitting position.

"Alright." his voice was barely audible.

She slowly lifted him up, he let out another cry of pain.

"I know baby, I know it hurts but I have to do this, you understand."

He let out a small hum of approval. She continued to move him gradually getting him in a sitting position stopping ever so often to give him time to adjust. She finally got him up to a sitting position, he grasped his side to relieve some of the pain. She stood him up but not without problems. He almost fell forward but his mother caught him.

"Mommy," he looked over and saw Nioma "I got it." She held up his suitcase.

"Thank you darling, can you do me another favor."


"I need you to run downstairs and open the front door, then unlock the car door and open the passenger's side for me ok? Can you do that?"

"Of course I can." she said before taking off.

"Ok love, now I'm going to need you to help me ok?"

He nodded.

"I'm gonna need you to lean on me but you have to walk ok?"

"Ok." His voice was small.

They walked down the stairs thankful without too much problem. They made it to the car and his mother sped off to get her son the proper care he needed.  

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