The blissful days

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Chapter six:

TW: Abuse 

I never thought he would be the one, but here I was in his arms

Her laughter rang in his ears. Her head on his chest, his fingers intertwined in her hair, his free hand holding hers. He had just finished telling her a story about how Colton tripped down the stairs because he was too busy staring at a girl.

"Are you sure you're in love with me?" She asked, still laughing.

"What makes you ask that?" He moved his head to the side so he could look at her better.

"Well you keep talking about this Colton and I think you two are in love." She said trying to sound as serious as possible.

He laughed at her attempt to be serious.

"Maybe I am, maybe I should go up to him and spin him around, tell him I love him then we ride off into the sunset." He said taking his hand out of hers, and tickling her.

"E-Elijah s-stop." She laughed and tried pulling his hands away.

"Oh darling, you're the only one I love." He stopped what he was doing, removed some hair from out of her face then kissed her forehead.

"Though, I do think that would be very romantic."

"Of course it is."

They stayed in silence for a moment taking in each other's presents.

"I'd like to meet them."

Elijah looked down at her with a confused look.

"Who love?"

"Your mother, father, Naomi, Colton."

"But darling, the rules.."

"I know, but the way you speak about them with so much love, I just have to meet them, do you think maybe."

"I don't think it's safe."

"You do it everyday and you come out alright each time."

"Yes but what about you? I mean, if I sneak you across the border" he ran his hands through his hair out of frustration, How the hell would he pull it off? "I just don't want you to get hurt."

Isabel sat up and cupped his face making him look at her.

"Don't worry about me, I have a plan for getting across all I want you to do is meet me where it begins on your side."

"Are you absolutely sure you know?"

She leaned in and captured his lips, his hands imminently wrapped around her waist. Then she pulled away, their hands still remained in the same place.

"Of course I'm sure, I've only lived here 17 years, 8 months and 23 days."

"That was oddly specific." He said looking at her in confusion.

She laughed.

"Well, when you grow up with not much, you learn to entertain yourself in some way."

"What? By counting exactly how old you are down to the very day?" He looked at her smiling.

"Be lucky I didn't do it down to the very second." She tapped his nose.

He rested his forehead on hers. His hands drawing shapes one her sides subconsciously. She giggled every time he hit a sensitive spot.

"Isabel I wa-" he stopped and pulled away looking past her.

"What's wrong?" She asked looking behind her then back at him.

"I have to go." He stood up.

"O-ok." She got to her feet.

He suddenly grabbed her waist making her squeal in delight and pressed his lips into hers. But too soon, he pulled away. He looked into her eyes. They were filled with concern just as he was.

He once again pressed his forehead into hers

"I love you" he mumbled before letting go.

He walked down the hill across the bridge.

"I love you." She whispered after him.

He walked through the city, his head held up high, he was walking straight. He finally got to the border.

"Hello father." He did his best to hide the fear in his voice but some seeped through.

Without saying a word his father's fist coiled with his face, he could feel the ring his father wore cut though his cheek. He fell back on impact. Getting up as soon as he hit the ground. His father handed him a handkerchief, he took it.

"Well son, fancy seeing you here, who was that girl you were with? I'd like to meet her."

He met his eyes, they were filled with hatred and disgust. His heat pounded in his chest, he didn't want them to be caught, he was scared, scared about what his father would do to her.

"I'm not sure where she is now, she might have just gone home."

His father nodded before grabbing his collar.

"Don't lie to me."

His eyes bore daggers into his own. Elijah had never been more afraid in his life.

"She was beyond the bridge." He said quietly, hating himself for telling his father where she was.

He let him go and smiled.


He said nothing else, he turned around bidding his son to follow.

Elijah looked at his father, rubbing his throat he brought both hands up and fixed his collar then followed him out.

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