And now you see me

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Chapter fifteen:  

After waiting what seemed like an eternity it was finally day break.  Colton left his post over to the shed were Isabel was. He opened the door and slip inside only to find that she was asleep. 

"Isabel?" He whispered, slightly shaking her.

She stirred slightly.

"Isabel," he said a little louder, "Come on we have to go."

Her eyes fluttered open and then immediately squinted because of the blaring sun.

"Good morning princess, are we ready to see the king?"

"Princess?" She laughed at the nickname. "Since when am I a princess?"

"Since you were born, now let's go before we're caught, killed, or the king gets cranky because you're not with him."

Colton led her to the door and slowly peeked out. He could see the guards lining up for the day shift. He waited until there was a clear path before quickly and quietly took Isabel out of the sight.

He led her down the paths that wouldn't draw to much attention so he could get her to his house with out causing to much of a scene.

She looked around in awe at the state of the city. There were houses bigger than you could even imagine. The trees were green, the sky's were blue, and the birds were chirping. Everything was clean and beautiful.

Colton noticed her gazing, he found it funny how she found everything so amazing when he grew up with it his whole life.

"Never seen so much wealth before?" He asked smirking.

"Only glimpses." Her eyes continued to wander.

"Well dear princess, your castle awaits." He led her to the gate to his house.

"This," she let go of his hand a stood back taking it all in, "This is your house?"

"Yes, and yours as well. Only the finest to accommodate the beautiful Isabel." He kissed her hand. "Now shall we venture on inside?"

"We shall." 

He led her inside, sneaking her into his bedroom.

"Now dear princess, we must get you ready for the king."

He led her into the bathroom where he gave her a towel and a robe.

"Take all the time you need I'll be in here." He pointed twords his room.

She nodded and closed the door. He snuck into his mothers room making sure she wasnt in there when he was. When the cost was clear he went into her closet and found a few clothing items for Isabel to wear. He slid the clothes through the crack in the door he had created.

"Its just me." He spoke, his voice muffled through the door. "These are for you when you are finished."

"Thank you kind sir." She laughed as he struggled to get his hand through crack.

"Anything for you princess."

After a little she came out dressed in what he had given her.

"Absolutely brilliant." He smiled up at her giving her a thumbs up.

"Why thank you good sir." She bowed and he bowed along with her.

"Niw darling princess, I shall go get the king, wait here."

He walked out of the room. Isabel started looking looking at all the vast objects the room held. It was quite lovely. The room itself was much bigger than her home. She dragged her fingers over the dresser, seeing all the trinkets the boy had. She stopped, picking up a picture of Colton and Elijah. They were hanging off one another's shoulders laughing, they looked happy. She smiled at the photo putting it back. She went to the great sized window.

She threw the curtains aside, looking out the window her breath caught in her throat. There in front of her eyes was a hansom view. There was a garden that reached out on all sides. The sun showed on all the right places making it look almost angelic. She had never seen such beauty in her life. It was quite breath taking. She wasnt sure how long she was staring at the lush gardens until she heard voices approaching her. She as quietly as she could manage slipped into the closet. She pushed herself all the way into the back, pushing all the clothes in front of her.

"Oh princess, I have gotten the king."

"Isabel?" A different voice sounded.

She gasped cover her mouth with her hand hoping no one had heard her. She was in shock. After long months without hearing his voice it scared her. She didnt know how she'd react when she finally saw him again, all she knew was she was going to be nervous.

"Well, it seems I lost your princess." Colton turned to Elijah shrugging. "Maybe she got scared."

"I know she wouldn't go out into the streets, it's to dangerous for her." Elijah said scratching the back of his neck.

"Isabel, please come out. Please?" Colton clasped his hands together shaking them around.

"Begging the princess? Colton, I thought you begged for no one."

"Well I am her good kind sir, and a good kind sir must do what it takes to find the princess."

Elijah laughed as Colton got on his knees and started shaking his hands up in the air.

"Please princess!! We need you!!" He cried.

"Calm down there, you're gonna scare her off before shes even found." Elijah said hitting him in the shoulder as he got up.

"Eh, anything's worth a shot."

Isabel stood there listening to the two boys speak working up her courage to come out. So with enough courage built she pushed her was through the clothes and opened the closet door standing in front of them.

"You found me." She said in a small voice.

"Princess!! Isn't this great Elijah, we found her." He looked at his bestfriend, Elijah's face was written with pure shock, his eyes filled with happiness but at the same time worry.

"I should give the king some alone time with his princess." Colton smirked walking out.

"Oh and dont forget to lock the door if anything goes down, dont want to walk in on something like that." He winked shutting the door leave the two completely in each others company.

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