4 months later

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Chapter five:

I was completely in love with him, and it had only been 4 months

He wanted nothing more than to tell her how he felt for her. He was completely in love with her. He didn't know how. Everyday for the past 4 months he had gone to the bridge just before sunrise where they would meet, watch the sunrise, walk back to the border where he would slip out, go see Colton and tell him what happened. 4 months. It was crazy how fast they all went.

"So what's it like?" she asked, playing with the ring on his finger.

"Like where?" he asked, turning to her.

"You know, on the other side. I've always wondered."

He laughed at her question.

"Oh, well it's perfect, too perfect. Everyone dresses about the same. School is boring, all we learn about is how to be perfect. It's not all that fun."

She hummed in response, finally pulling off his ring and putting it on.

"Your hands are too small." he said pointing at the finger she had put it on.

She held her hand up to the sun, she could see the gap between her finger and his ring. He looked at her completely memorized.

"I like it." She smiled down at him.

He sat up and took her hand in his, he tucked a loose piece of hair behind her. His hand lingered behind her ear and he looked at her. They didn't notice their faces slowly inching closer to each other until she pulled away.

"We should get you back." she looked at him, she looked scared, sad, like she was dying to tell him something.

"Right." he removed his hand from behind her ear and got up. They walked to the border and said their goodbyes. He could feel her gaze linger on him. He looked down at his hand and realized that he didn't have his ring, he smiled and looked over his shoulder. She was holding his ring pushing it on and off her finger. His cheeks became a bright red as she slipped it on and off the left ring finger and smiled at him.

It was the day he was going to tell her. He got up, put on his favorite casual outfit and quietly went downstairs. When he entered the living room he was stopped by a light flicking on, there sat his father. His leg was draped over the other, his hands intertwined, pointer fingers sticking up and touching, lips drawn into a straight thin line. He narrowed his eyes at his son. Elijah was frozen in fear, his eyes wide, his face drained of all the color.

"My son, where on earth would you have to be at this time of night?" he asked, eyeing him up and down suspiciously.

"Well you see father, I wasn't able to fall asleep so I thought a quick walk in the cold air might make me-" he suddenly stopped when he saw his father stand up. Henry put his hands on his son's shoulders making him flinch a little.

"But of course, seeing as how you need so much fresh air every night for the past 4 months."

Elijah looked up at his father trying not to give anything away.

"Father I've just been-" he was cut off again with a laugh from his father.

"Son, don't worry, I'm just messing with you." he said lightly, hitting him on the shoulder.

He laughed nervously but sincerely because he hadn't heard his father laugh in quite some time. It scared him but he felt generally happy that his father laughed at his nervousness.

"Alright son, now come back as soon as you feel you're ready." he smiled

Elijah looked at his father, very happy to see his smile again.

"Thank you." he said walking out the door.

Once he closed it he let out a sigh of relief and started laughing quietly.

He made it to the border and crossed it just like he always did. But when he got to the bridge he stopped.

There she stood, bathed in the moonlight. Her beautiful brown hair flowed elegantly on the wind. Her simple night dress swayed at her sides. Her hands, playing with each other. She looked absolutely beautiful and he fell even harder just by looking at her.

She turned around and locked eyes with him. The moment she did his eyes light up at her beauty, he couldn't keep it in any longer. He knew he had to say it.

"Isabel." He walked quickly towards her.

She smiled at his eagerness and ran to him, throwing her arms over his neck. He picked her up and spun her around. He stopped spinning, resting his forehead on hers, both laughing. He looked up at her, into those beautiful green eyes that drew him in, completely memorizing him, bewitching him. He knew it was the perfect moment.

"I love you." He said, smiling at his braveness.

She pulled back, looking at him fighting back a smile.

"You do?" She whispered, biting her lip, barely trusting herself to speak.

"I do."

She laughed and pressed her forehead against his again.

"I love you."

They looked into each other's eyes before they both leaned in to close the gap between them.

It felt like heaven to have her lips against his. He felt like nothing in the world matter but that moment shared between them on the bridge where they first met,

Bathed in the moonlight.

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