The girl he already knew

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Chapter twelve:

"So, did you talk about anything of interest?" Elijah's father asked him.

"He asked about school, nothing really interesting."

His father hummed in response, not bothering to look at his son.

"Come to think of it, he did mention something quite interesting, I would hope you can explain it to me."

This time his father did look at him.

"And what did you hear?" His face held a blank expression as he turned back to look at the road.

"He said that around ten years ago you mentioned a girl, he couldn't help but wonder if you had a mistress?" He looked at his father, his eyes filled with rage.

"Ten years ago? Please Elijah, I was talking about your sister. I've only ever loved your mother."

He continued to look at his father, scanning his face. As much as he hated his father, he knew that he would never cheat on his mother with another woman.

"You don't have to believe me, I just-"

"I believe you." He cut off his father. He looked at him. "Father, I know you would never cheat on mother."

He gave him a small smile and clapped his hand on his son's shoulder causing Elijah to jump.

"Sorry." He muttered as he pulled into the driveway.

He walked into the house where his mother was washing the dishes.

"Hello darling," His mother said happily "Let me finish washing up the dishes and then we can talk all about it."

"Let me do it darling." His father offered.

"Thank you." She gave him a kiss on the cheek as she led Elijah to the living room.

"Now," she said, taking his hands in hers, "Tell me all about it."

Elijah told her everything but failed to mention the governs question about his father having a mistress.

"Well darling it sounds like you had a great time."

"More or less."

"Mommy?" a voice sounded from the side of them.

"Hello little one." Elijah said, opening up his arms for her to crawl into.

"How was dinner? Was it weird being with the most powerful man in the world?"


She giggled at his response.

"Well my dears I think it's time that we all retire for the night."

"Do we have to?" Naomi whined, throwing her head back dramatically.

"Yes my love you have too," Her mother said leaning over removing her hand from over her face "Now come along."

Naomi got off her brother's lap and took her mothers hand.

"Elijah, that means you too."

He laughed and took his sister's free hand and they walked up the stairs. After putting Naomi to sleep they left her room and went into Elijah's.

"Goodnight my darling." She kissed the top of his head.

"Goodnight mother." He closed his eyes and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

The next day at school there was a new girl.

"Did you hear about the new girl?" Colton asked Elijah as they walked into the building.

"No, I thought there were no new students this far into the year."

"I guess they made an exception because there is one."

"That's odd don't you think?"

"Maybe," Colton shrugged, his shoulders sitting in a chair setting his stuff on the desk in front of him "But what's it matter, girls and guys are separated it's not like we're going to see her."

"Anxious to get a look are you?" Elijah said, nudging him with his elbow laughing.

"No, the poor thing will probably be surrounded by guys and girls, I'd like to give her some breathing room."

"Good on you Colton, respecting a lady's space." They laughed at his comment

"Of course, there's got to be at least one guy who'll let her breathe."

After class they walked out into the courtyard and not to their surprise was someone being surrounded by a whole bunch of people.

"I swear they think she's meat and they're starved wolves." Colton said, folding his arms over his chest.

But Elijah paid no mind to what Colton was saying, for there in the center of the circle stood Alaia. His eyes were wide and his month was dropped open.

"Elijah?" Colton waved his hand in front of his face. "Elijah? What is it?"

"Sorry." He mumbled truing his attention away.

Colton cocked his eyebrow looking between Alaia and Elijah. He smiled mischievously.

"Does Cunning have a crush on the new girl?"

"What?" He asked laughing, "I barely know her."

"Barely," Colton stopped in front of him, "Do you mean to tell me you know this girl?"

Elijah cursed under his breath figuring out he had just given away the fact he had met her before.

"I met her last night, she's the maid for the governor."

"Really now?"

"Yes, I was not expecting her to be here."

"That is kind of suspicious, do you think he might be spying on you?"

"You really jump to conclusions fast."

"Well what can I say, I'm usually correct."

"Uh-huh, and you were correct when you said that the governor was the monster in your closet."

"Hey in my defense I was five."

"What about that time you said our teacher was actually dead and that it was his ghost teaching us? You were 17."

"You're never going to let me forget this are you?"


"Elijah!!" A new voice sounded.

He turned around to see Alaia jogging towards him.

"Hello." He said nervously.

"Hello." She waved

"I'm just going to go now." Colton said awkwardly, backing away from the two.

"See you around." He said as he took off.

"It's good to see you again." Elijah offered a small smile.


They stood in uncomfortable silence for quite some time before Elijah spoke.

"I'm due home in a little bit, maybe we could talk later?"

"Oh, of course I wouldn't want to keep your parents waiting."

"So I guess, I'll see you around."

"Yeah, I hope so." She turned around on her tiptoes and walked away.

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