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Chapter fourteen:  

TW: Swearing 

"You're insane." Colton stood up walking over to the door to the balcony.

"I know but, I promised."

"You promised to do this? Do you have any idea how direr the consequence could be?"

"I know its stupid but-"

"It's beyond stupid!" Colton said flinging his arms in the air.

"Please, I need to see her. I cant leave the house you know that."

"You sound so fucking insane." He ran his hands through his hands and let out a breath.

"And if I say yes? Where exactly is she gonna stay? Dont tell me you were planning to shove her in on of those storage sheds, I swear if you do-"

"Colton, you know I'd never do that."

"You're mental."

"Little crazy has never hurt anyone."

"Yeah but breaking the law has."

The two boys looked at each other. Elijah with desperation and Colton with anger and fear.

"Alright, but if I get caught you're coming down with me."

Elijah practically jumped onto Colton, takling him in a hug.

"Get off me." Colton laughed.

"I love you." He took his face in his hands and gave him a sloppy kiss on his forehead.

"Ewwwww" Colton pushed Elijah off wiping his forehead. "If this is what Isabel get then I'm glad I'm not her, poor thing."

Elijah laughed getting off him. After Elijah went home Colton got ready. He was terrified with what might happen. His mind was racing with all the things that could go wrong.

What if he was caught?

What if he was killed?

What would happen to Isabel?

He found it strange that he thought of Isabel, he didn't know her yet he felt care towards her and he wanted to protect her.

As Colton made his way to the boarder, his sense of panic grew. There were more guards than he an anticipated. He didn't know why, no one had tried to escape and no one knew that Elijah had crossed the border. When he got to his post a guard checked him in. After he had him checked in and he was gone, Colton  looked around for a little to make sure that no one was watching before he slipped into the other side.

He had no idea where to go, who to look for, or what he was going to do. He would have thought that Elijah would have given him a little more information when he asked him to break the law, but he didn't and it was too late to go back and ask him. He made his way around the city carefully and quietly, hoping that he wouldn't get caught by anyone.

As he was walking he saw how terrible the condition of the city was. It was run down, the buildings looked as if they were made of scrap metal that was found in sheds, there didn't seem to be any running water on site. He wondered if the governor knew about these conditions the people were living in.

But he must know, he visited the city last week. Colton thought to himself.

He had made his way to the out skirts of the corrupted little town when he saw someone. He stood frozen in fear not knowing what to do. He did not want to be caught, he didnt want to die, he didnt want whom ever this person was to see him but he couldn't seem to move.

"Elijah?" A soft voice sounded.

"Uh, no, no." He paused thinking of something else to say not wanting to scare her off. "I'm a friend."

"Colton?" She asked with uncertainty.

"How did you-" he was cut off when the girl spoke again.

"Elijah talks a lot about, I swear it's like hes in love with you or something."

"Well what can I say, I am quite handsome." He bowed down dramatically.

She laughed at his gesture and crustied along with him.

"I have been sent to fetch your royal highness, kings orders."

"Oh? The king himself?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why of course, who else?"

He offered out his hand which she gladly accepted. He pulled her into a run. They ran as fast as the could out of the city and to the boarder.

"Wait, wait, wait!!" She yelled in a hushed tone.

"What? What is it? What's wrong?"

"I cant cross the border."

"Course you can, I'm here, I can get you through."

He snuck her across, trying to have no one see, luckily no one seemed to. Once he got her to the other side, he opened up a shed and gently placed her inside.

"I told Elijah I would kill him if he did this but looks like hes gonna kill me." He laughed until becoming serious again, "Now I'm going to need you to stay here, this shed is abandoned and no one checks in here. I'll be back shortly, I promise."

"Ok." She said simply.

He gave her one last little smile before closing the door and going back to his post.

Isabel sat there and thought of what had happened that night. She was over excited to be able to see Elijah and meet Colton. But she was scared and didn't know what would happen if she was caught. She pushed those thoughts aside getting comfortable in the small space of the shed she was currently in, this was going to be a long night.

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