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Chapter twenty one: 

TW: Swearing, death, it's a sad chapter  

There was total silence. Everyone was too shocked to speak, or it was out of respect. Elijah didn't know, he didn't care. All his family was gone, they were all dead. Why did he have to look across the border? Edgar turned toward Elijah, leaning down to be eye level with him. Elijah stared straight ahead not even acknowledging Edgar as he met his eyes.

"Now I will take the girl you love." He said in a hushed tone so only Elijah would hear.

He got up and said something to a guard but Elijah was into much pain and shock to pay attention to his words. The guards untied him and started to drag him away, he didn't fight it. Elijah blanked out, he thought about the memories he had with his family, Colton, Isabel. His father wasn't the best at times, but there were times when he was a great father. His mother was so kind and caring, she would always make sure that him and Naomi. His little sister, they got along so well, he was there to protect her and comfort her when she needed him and she was there for him. Isabel, the girl he fell in love with, she unbelievably beautiful, all the blissful days they shared. Then Colton, his best friend. They grew up together, did everything together and now. Now he was losing everything.

When he came out of his thoughts he found himself at the governor's house. The guards by his side urged him forward inside the estate. When he stepped inside he saw Colton and Isabel in the entryway.

"Not you too." Elijah whispered.

"Elijah, how nice of you to join us." Edgar stepped into the room with a wide smile on his face. "We were just speaking about how much we missed you."

He laughed wickedly.

"Now, let's get this over with. I don't have all day." 

He walked up to Colton and dug a knife into his side. Elijah cried out and Isabel gasped in shock, stepping back and covering her mouth with both her hands. Colton's face twisted into one of confusion as he tried to take in what had just happened.

"You can never have enough can you!?" Elijah yelled. "First my family and now you're taking everyone else?"

"You need to learn what happens." Edgar said calmly as he dug the knife deeper into Colton's side. Colton looked at Elijah then Isabel then directly making eye contact with Edgar he muttered,

"Forgive him, please." Before he fell to the ground. 

Elijah ran out of the grasp of the two guards as Isabel crossed the room to get to Colton. They both kneeled on each side of their dying friend.

"You know Elijah, I always loved you." His breaths were shallow as he tried to keep himself conscious.

"I've always loved you too."

"What I mean by that is I've been in love with you." He laughed weakly.

"What?" Elijah asked.

"Yeah, but you had to fall in love with her." He pointed to Isabel. "Of course I don't blame you, she is really hot."

They all laughed.

"Princess, if you ever make it out of this, I just want you to know, he'll make you really happy even though he's a dick sometimes."

"Hey." Elijah lightly hit his shoulder.

"I'm only telling her the truth." He smiled slyly.

"I'll keep that in mind." Isabel said brushing the stray hairs out of his eyes.

His breath got more and more shallow until they stopped. Isabel brushed her hand over his eyes to close them. He died as he lived, smiling.

"How touching." Edgar said, stepping closer. "Such a shame he had to die, I don't think his mother wouldn't be too pleased. I'll be sure to send a letter to her detailing her son's last words."

"You're horrible." Isabel sat up swinging her hand to strike Edgar, but he caught her hand.

"I'd be careful my dear, you are next after all."

She twisted her hand to get it out of his grasp. Unfortunately for her, Edgar was far too strong.

"Guards take her into the next room, I think this one needs to suffer."

Before either could react, two guards were next to Isabel and one was holding Elijah back.

Elijah immediately started fighting the guard that held him back, trying to get to Isabel.

"Let her go!!" He screamed.

"Elijah!!" Isabel tried to get her hand free to reach and grab him.

The guards were pulling her away to the next room while the other guard was holding him back.

"Isabel!! He was kicking and screaming desperately trying to get the guard to let him go so he could get to her.

She was dragged into the next room, the doors were shut behind them. Elijah had finally fought his way off the guard and rushed to the door. He tried opening it but it was locked. He was banging on the door trying to see if he could break it open. He couldn't lose everyone, he couldn't take everyone being gone, he had to save her.

A loud scream erupted in the air, it was her scream. Elijah's fists pounded on the door yelling out. The screams continued as did his cries and pleads and slamming on the door.

The air fell silent of screams the only thing that could be heard was Elijah's cries of agony as he realized that he had just lost the girl he was so deeply in love with. He lost his best friend, his sister, his mother, and his father.

 All he had left were wishes he made and all the memories from the days and the nights.

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