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Cheryl- The true fear of Riverdale High. All she really knows is to bully people, at least in school. She sometimes carry the school to her home as well. She's absolutely nice, when the time comes. She doesn't put up for bullshit and never really have, nor will she ever. Her attitude may get her into some problems, but as Cheryl Blossom, she'll make her way out. One way or another.
"You bitch!"

Toni- She's a North-Southsider. That means, she's originally from the Southside, but she moved to the Northside. Toni's nonchalant about a lot of things and people try and take advantage of that. Hint: they try to take advantage. She also has anger issues. Not from any at home problems, they just came. She doesn't approve of disrespect and she never will. She'll run into some... people, but will they stand in her way? It depends.
"It's always the fucking Northsiders."

Betty- She's a Northsider to an middle class family. She has a brother, sister and married parents. She's the cousin to Cheryl, so she knows how she operates. She may seem like Cheryl's "pet", but she's far from it. She's like a therapist to Cheryl. Whenever she needs to talk or vent her problems, Betty's the one to call. Will Betty be a help to everyone? Depends on the situation.
"Just give her a chance."

Veronica- She's the daughter of a rich family. A Northsider, but isn't a stuck up one. She actually tries to live outside of the spotlight. If that means dealing with the Southsiders, then that's what she's going to do. She doesn't care for the social class of anyone, as long as they're loyal, honest and a good person, then she could care less. Will her "fame" make things run smoothly? Answer this question: does everything come on a silver platter?
"She's the one. She has to be the one."

Archie- The son of Fred Andrews. He rarely gets into trouble, but he will defend him and the others he cares about. He's all about peace and doesn't feel like the tension between anyone he knows. He would lock two people in the closet, for as long as it takes, to get them to make up. In his eyes, everyone's equal and should be treated as that. Will his kindness be takes for granted? It's like a record, it plays until the person stops it.
"Drastic times calls for drastic measures."

Jughead- He's a North-Southsider. He's basically a Northsider, but his parents legacy is on the Southside. He knows good treatment when he sees it and will call out the people who doesn't give it. He stays to himself for the most part, but he does make it known he's there.
"There's always Pop's."

Sweet Pea- He's the brother of Toni and he always will be. He may tease her at times, but it's all tough love. He makes sure that whoever Toni dates or speaks to have good intentions. If he feels as though they don't, he warns her. And like everytime, he's been right. Sticking up for people and the right thing is his memo. He has no bad intentions unless you give him a reason to. Will his "intention detector" be played with? Answer this question: is your glass half empty or half full?
"Why are you still entertaining this bullshit?"

Fangs- Brother of Toni and Sweet Pea. He's the quiet one out of the group of three. He has some slight social anxiety and it's been like that for about his whole life. He's only around either Toni or Sweet Pea. You'll be lucky if you've seen him without the other by his side. He gets bullied. By who you may ask? Cheryl Blossom. He doesn't speak on it, at least until it gets revealed in the most public way. He's a badass, as well. He can defend himself, but he chooses other wise.
"You deserve better."

Kevin- The gay bestfriend of the group. He's also the son of Riverdale's sheriff- Thomas (Tom) Keller. He's not really held up to high expectations. As long as he passes with good grades and stay out of major trouble, he's absolutely free. He's fully accepted by everyone around him and nothing less. He knows everything about everyone, he doesn't even really want to, but it seems to fall into his lap.
"This wasn't supposed to happen."

Josie- The singer of the group and also the daughter of the mayor- Sierra McCoy. She's so underestimated that if you say she's sly, that would be an understatement. She always observe before she speaks. Just to make sure whatever she comments have strong facts to back it up. Never does without a fight, and if she does, then you know she's tired and needs her own self-evaluation.
"Are we really witnessing this right now?"

All these kids, different personas, but makes a big supportive group. They're "lead" by two HBIC's. When they fall apart, do the rest of them follow? Will anger get the best of this group, or will they stick through it?

"I'm sick and tired." the line everyone used, but is it really true?

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