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Toni pulled into her driveway and instantly called Clifford. Within the second ring, he answered. "Cher, what-" Clifford started to say, before Toni started speaking.

"Can you, Penelope, and Jaosn get to my house? And fast?" Toni asker in a panicked voice. "Be there in 10." Clifford said before Toni hung up. Toni entered the house and broke down in tears. Fangs came downstairs to see Toni against the door crying. He instantly went over to see what was wrong.

"Tiny, what happened?" Fangs asked as Toni cried into his chest. Sweet Pea and the rest of the Topaz family came downstairs as well. Melissa noticed Toni had all of Cheryl's things, but Cheryl wasn't with her. Before she could speak, there was a knock on the door. Toni got of the door and opened it, revealing three red head's before them.

"Someone took Cheryl. I tried to stop her, but she told me to go," Toni spoke fast before breaking into tears. Everyone caught chills. All they could hear were Toni's sobs. The room's silence could speak a mile a minute. Clifford took his phone out and walked outside. Melissa walked Penelope into the room, Penelope being on the verge of breaking to tears.

Toni got out of Fangs grip and stormed out of the house. She had her keys and walked over to her car. Clifford saw Toni and went to stop her. "Toni, where are you going?" Clifford asked, Toni getting in the car and starting it. "To go look for Cheryl. I'll be back and I'll be safe." Toni said, tears filling her eyes at the thought of Cheryl. "Toni! Don't leave!" Clifford called after the teenager who was already out the driveway.

Will came outside when he heard Clifford's voice. When he came out, he didn't see Toni's car anywhere. "Where is she?" Will asked. "She said she was going to look for Cheryl and that she'll be back." Clifford said before Will went back into the house and grabbed his own keys.

"Don't tell Melissa what I'm doing. Just tell her I'm riding around with Toni." Will said to Clifford, before entering his car. Clifford nodded and went into the house, being met with three Topaz's and a crying Penelope.

Toni was already 5 miles away from her house. She was speeding and surprisingly, she hasn't been pulled over yet. She had tears flowing out her eyes, but she had to physically remain calm in order to prevent a crash from happening.

After time has passed, Toni was now sitting on the edge of a cliff with her car behind her, getting a beautiful view below her. It's been about 15 minutes of her not crying, but the tears and feelings will only resurface with the thought of Cheryl, making it harder for her to be strong.

"I don't know why I let us stay. If I didn't let us stay, you wouldn't be gone. I should've left when you suggested. I wish you didn't let us stay. Why did it have to be like this? We finally get on the same page and then we're ripped apart." Toni said. She took a deep breath before she started to speak again.

"Time. Just give me time. I'll get you back. I promise. I'll do anything. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I'll do it to get you back. I'll see you one day, Cher. I'll see you one day," Toni said, a tears escaping her eye. She got from the cliff and walked back to the car. She sat in the car and watched as the sun set.

Before she started the car, she took one breath of the fresh air in before she could do anything. Toni started the car and drove back to the house. On the way, she saw Mason and they drove home together. When they arrived, the Blossom's were still there, but Fangs and Sweet Pea were outside.

When the two boys saw Toni and Will arrive, they stood from their steps and walked over to Toni's car. Toni stopped the car and started crying. Sweet Pea and Fangs got in the car and comforted Toni as she cried. She wouldn't let them hug her, so they had to speak sweet nothings to somewhat soothe her.

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