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The next day approached and Toni walked into school to see Cheryl hugged up on a girl. She just laughed to herself and went about her business. She couldn't be mad, though. She did say they were on a break, but then again, Cheryl seemed so hurt about the break, and then she did that. Toni didn't care anymore. She could find less to care about, if being honest.

She walked over to Fangs and Kevin and sat between them, interrupting their conversation. She looked at Kevin and then laid her head on her shoulder while she played with Fangs' fingers. "Cheryl's... with someone else," Toni said with a small smile. She didn't even know why she had it on, but she did and neither Fangs or Kevin could understand it.

Out of confusion, Fangs questioned, "But... why are you smiling at that?" Fangs asked. Toni shrugged and then her eyes started to water.

She took her head off Kevin's shoulder and wiped her eyes with a sad chuckle. "I don't know, honestly. I guess because she... proved me wrong?" Toni spoke while looking down. "But I mean, we technically aren't together, so it shouldn't bother me as much. But it really does, and I don't know what to do," Toni finished before she started sobbing.

Kevin pulled her in while Fangs rubbed her back. She quickly regrouped and dismissed herself from the table to get some privacy before she had to deal with school. She went into the field of the school and sat on the back of the bleachers. While laying there, she heard people walking past, but then they stopped right below her.

And although she hated to pry, she kind of didn't have a real choice. But when Cheryl's name was spoke, they really grabbed her attention. She quietly sat up and listened to the group talk.

"Yeah, she was so quick to just move on, it's ridiculous."

"Right. And then I saw Toni crying. I feel bad for her, though. She deserves more than that."

"Cheryl probably didn't even care about her like she would brag about doing."

Toni's heart broke at the words she heard. She didn't want it to bother her, but damn. The shit was harder than intended.

"But we got class, so I'll see the rest of you guys at lunch or in the lounge."

The group left and it left Toni wondering what the few months of their relationship really meant. She wasn't going to cry. She'd be damned to cry again. But then again, she didn't know whether Cheryl was or wasn't worth them. And that's why she didn't shed a tear.


Everyone was dismissed from third period when Toni had decided to pull Cheryl to the side for a second. She was walking when she saw Cheryl at her locker on her phone. She walked to the redhead and pulled her to the side, off where no one could hear them.

The redhead looked at her quizzically. "Um, what do you want?" Cheryl asked, making Toni sigh.

"I just want to ask you if the past few months meant anything to you?" Toni asked, worried about what Cheryl's answer would be.

Cheryl rolled her eyes and put her weight on her left leg. "Look, Toni, I don't know what to say, but you obviously couldn't see that it meant anything to me, so you don't have the necessary right to ask me if what we had meant anything to me. If you couldn't see it, then oh well." Cheryl responded.

Toni let a low chuckle out and rubbed the back of her neck. "You're getting an attitude off a simple and harmless question, got it." Toni said, moreso to herself, but loud enough for Cheryl to hear her as well. "I don't care anymore Cheryl. Like, I ask you a simple question and you can't even answer it. I'm done. I really am, Cheryl," Toni said sick and tired of the entire conversation.

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