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Flashback to the day at Pop's...

Cheryl and Toni have gotten pretty close since their... interaction. Toni decided that it would be best for Cheryl to stay the weekend and Cheryl agreed. Today was now Friday and the kids didn't have school. It's about 11 in the morning and Toni's exhausted. She was up for about 4 hours comforting Cheryl.

She was awaken by hearing soft sobs. She noticed Cheryl wasn't in her arms anymore and when she looked around, Cheryl was at the foot of the bed crying. Toni comforted her, did whatever she could to make Cheryl feel better.

Toni and Cheryl's now watching TV, cuddled under one another, enjoying the time they had with each other. Honestly, this very act made both of the girls heart flutter. Moving at rapid pace, hell, maybe even skipped a few. Toni became hungry and wanted some Pop's.

"Cheryl, you hungry?" Toni asked as Cheryl looked up at her.

"Yeah." Cheryl said as Toni nodded.

"Okay. You want to go with me to Pop's?" Toni asked as Cheryl nodded. They grabbed their jackets and began their way to the diner.

At Pop's...

Toni and Cheryl arrived, with few people in the diner. They grabbed a booth and conversed with one another until a waiter came for their order. They placed it and sooner rather than later, their food came back. They ate in comfortable silence, and would talk to one another here or there. Toni was thinking about telling Cheryl something that would eventually get out. She didn't know how, when, or if she should actually tell her, but she had the feeling she should.

"Hey, Cher. Can I tell you something?" Toni asked as she pushed her food to the side.

"Totally. What's up?" Cheryl asked as Toni took a deep breath before speaking.

"Can you promise to not tell anyone? No matter how much 'Cheryl Bombshell' may come out?" Toni asked as Cheryl nodded.

"I promise." Cheryl said. Toni took her word, she took her word to not tell anyone unless it was permitted for jt to be said.

"So, a few years ago, well, up until the age of 10, I was intersex." Toni stopped and looked at Cheryl, trying to see if she was judging her already; which she wasn't. Cheryl had an amused look on her face.

"Sounds cool." Cheryl said as Toni nodded.

"I thought it was at first too until I felt weird, like I didn't belong. I would be confused on whether I should use the boys or girls bathroom, so I made my decision. I made the decision to feel... wanted and accepted; even though I truly was. Went to the doctors, got a penectomy -the surgery for the removal- and here I am now. A full blown girl. Well, for the most part." Toni explained as Cheryl took in what she said.

"I wouldn't even begin to imagine how that journey was like." Cheryl said as Toni chuckled a little bit.

"Trust me, I wish I didn't do it." Toni said as Cheryl gave her a confused expression.

"But you said you wanted to." Cheryl said as Toni nodded.

"Yeah, 'wanted' to. Past tense. I feel now, if it didn't happen, then I would've been fine. No matter who talked about me. I actually think I would be more confident in myself." Toni explained as Cheryl kept the confused look.

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