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Toni was still in the slight unconscious state but she could still hear everything and everyone around her. At the very moment, she heard Melissa talking with a doctor, asking the injuries, and how long it would be until she had waken up.

She couldn't really hear the doctor's response, but she did hear that she could wake up at any moment and that she would have to stay in the hospital for about 3 weeks, maybe longer if any complications came up.

Toni tried to move, and like before, she couldn't, but she heard the EKG machine's beeping speed up. The second she stopped trying, the second it went back to normal. She then heard the doctor say, "That's going to happen. It has been for the past hour. She's trying to regain her consciousness, so her body will become jittery and the machine will go off. She's okay, though," the doctor informed.

After the eavesdropping that was purely accidental, it was just her and Melissa. If you were an outsider looking in, you would see a mother sitting beside her unconscious daughter. But you take it from Toni's perspective, she was in the worst state she could probably ever be in.

Toni felt a hand on her hair, putting some behind her ear, and a slight kiss laid on her cheek. She could tell it was from her mom by the scent. The sweet scent of vanilla and lavender, with a hint of aftershave from her dad, filled her nose.

The mix was odd, but it grew on her. She laid there, helpless, and listened to the breaths of her and Melissa. After a while, the woman spoke in sympathy and worry of the girl.

"T, I'm so sorry about all this. I'm sorry I pinned you to be the bad guy for things you shouldn't have been blamed for..." Melissa started, trailing off when she caught the brunette's hand into hers. "...I just didn't want you to make any decisions that hurt your life terribly," Melissa confessed.

With the confession, it was like all of Toni's questions were answered. She felt like she wasn't clueless anymore. In fact, she felt she needed the explanation from her mom, and now that she finally received it, everything was going to be okay.

The door opened and Melissa's cries stopped when she gasped from the sudden intruding. The door closed, and Toni heard the clacking of heels along the floor. She already knew it was Cheryl. She could feel the girl standing beside her, the height towerng over her more than it already does.

Cheryl spoke, "Ms. Melissa, can I have just a small moment with Toni and you can get her back?"

Melissa nodded and placed a kiss on the back of her hand, letting it go, and allowing the wind to snack the palm of Toni's hands. Toni's hands twitched, but no one seemed to notice.

Melissa had left the room, and Cheryl was now left in the room with the tanned girl. Cheryl laced her fingers with Toni's and kissed the back of her hand. She sat in the chair on the side of Toni and just looked at the girl. She looked at how she had only had an oxygen tube in her nose, but yet she hadn't waken up. She saw how, yet everything has happened to her, she still looked amazing.

Could she believe she even had a chance with her? No, she honestly couldn't. But she did, and she probably wouldn't get another chance with her if things didn't turn out how they were supposed to.

After the long moment of silence, Cheryl spoke,

"TT, I'm so sorry about all of this. This is my fault, I dragged you into my horrible life, and now you have to suffer. It should be me in your position. It really should..." Cheryl said, her voice starting to break. "....Toni, I love you so much, and it hurts to see you like this. I was being a dick, I know, and I'm truly sorry about all I've done to hurt you. But I just hope you know I love you, forever and always," The redhead finished.

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