Eleven: Leilani

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After my parents and Kalei's parents leave I go back to sleep, I didn't get any sleep last night after the whole confession thing with Kalei. How can I? I was freaking out.

I knew if I didn't get any sleep I'll get sick and I don't want to get sick. But I really didn't feel good.

I wake up and see everything in a blur I walk the bathroom slowly so I wouldn't trip. I knocked on the door really softly. Kalei opens the door, my head hurts so much I don't know what happened.

The next thing I know was Kalei was holding my hand in my bed and Makana was placing a wet towel on my forehead.

"Leilani, sweetie," she says, "Do you remember where you are?" I nod slowly, "I'm in the Hawaiian Hotel in Hilo." "That's right, do you remember anything else?" I thought back, "I was walking to the bathroom I think, everything was so hazy." "Lei, sweetie, I now hereby announce you as sleep deprived. We'll let you sleep."

I don't want to be alone. As they were leaving, "Kalei?" I say in a soft voice, he probably couldn't hear it or didn't because I heard the door close. "Yes?" I open my eyes for a split second and he was there in the seat next to my bed.

I held my hand out and he took it. I leaned the other way and fell asleep. When I woke up the sun was setting. I got up and looked around the room, it was still quiet and I saw a note at the end of the bed.

"We all went for dinner. Be back late. Order room serves." I looked over to Kalei who was sleeping, his hand was really close to mines. I scan the room, I don't remember this place at all.

Was I completely out of it? I walk to my suitcase and open it. I pull out my blue underwear, my black leggings and my blue shirt that said, 'I love you' over and over in different languages.

I then walk to the bathroom and get in the shower. The hot water feels so nice. After I got out, changed and put my hair in a towel wrap I opened the door. Kalei was still sleeping and I was getting hungry.

I walk to the desk and took out a menu from the drawer under the phone. I press the number and started to order.

"Hello, room service. Can I have two hot chocolates, two sprites, New York Steak Strip, Half Roast Chicken, and for dessert; one Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler with a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Thanks, bye." The food will take one hour.

I poke Kalei's cheek and then turned on the TV. While flipping through channels I hear Kalei get up and there was a knock.

"Kalei, since you're up can you get the door," I asked him in my super sweet voice so he'll do it. He gets up and opened the door.

"Lei? Did you order room service?" "Mhmm..." He opened the door and the server came out and put all the food on the table with the lids still on and left. "The steak is mines Kalei." He looked at me and said, "What did you get me then?"

Instead of answering I just turned up the volume on the tv, but all I was watching was news. "Hello, Lei??"

I look over and say, "Chicken."

After we both finished eating my parents and my brothers came in. "It's time to choose how we are going to divide the rooms. Any suggestions?" She asked.

"We are not leaving those two alone in a room," says Kainoa.

Kanoe just shook his head and said, "Why not, we let them stay together all the time why is this different this time?"

Makana came in and said, "Kainoa, Kanoe and Lei stay in one room and Kalei and I will stay in another and our parents stay in the big adjoining room so they can all be together, okay?"

Kanoe shrugged and Kai nodded in agreement, then they left. Makana came next to me and said, "I know you guys won't do anything so when Kainoa goes to sleep sneak out and we will switch, okay?" I nodded then looked at Kalei.

I know I won't want to do anything but what about Kalei? "He won't do anything either, trust me," Makana says. Kalei looks at me and smiles, I smile back then I walk to my suitcase got my toothbrush and toothpaste and left.

At ten at night Kainoa finally fell asleep but Kanoe was still up. Then I got a text from him, I looked at him and he held his finger to his mouth telling me to keep quiet and pointed to his phone.

The text said, "You can go now, Makana told me the plan. Don't do anything stupid over there." I looked at him nodded, got up then kissed him on the cheek and left. Makana was waiting outside my door, she hugged me and whispered in my ear, "Goodnight sweetie." "Goodnight kaikua'ana."

I watched her walk into my room and then Kanoe texted me, "Tomorrow morning before sunrise get ready to go surfs. I'll wake you up before Kainoa and just go down before us. Makana already made arrangements."

I text him back a smiley face, okay then good night.

I walk into Makana's room and see Kaleikoa was already asleep.

Did kaikua'ana not tell him the plan?? I crawled over the sheets of Makana's bed and fell asleep instantly.

Next thing I knew I was awakened by a knock. "Kalei," I said in a tired voice, "Get the door." He mumbled, "You get it, I'm still sleeping here."

I throw one of my pillows over to him and it hit his face. "Ow, that hurt." I guess he got up and got the door because next thing I heard was, "You have thirty minutes to get ready and go to the lobby."

Who ever said that left and then Kalei said, "Leilani, what are you doing in Makana's bed?" I roll over and opened my eyes, "Sleeping." He just stood there.

I got out of bed and went to my suitcase and took out my black and gold bikini and walked into the bathroom. The entire time I felt Kalei's gaze on me. Right before I closed the door I said, "Stop glaring at me, you're boring a hole in my skull."

Then I closed the door and got ready. I took my hair out of my two braids and put on the bikini. When I came out Kalei was just sitting there watching TV with just his surf trunks on. I rolled my shirt up into a ball and chuck it to him, "Put on a shirt, we aren't even at the beach yet!"

He looked at me and rolled his eyes, then walked over to his bed which was neatly made opposed to mines and puts on a shirt.

I drop my clothes on the bed grab the two towels and walk to the door before I got to open the door Kalei's hand leaned on it. I looked up and he said, "Fix your bed."

I look over to my bed and say, "Later." I try to pull open the door again and all Kalei does is lean his entire body on it and says, "Now, Lei."

I glare at him and say, "Fine," in a grumpy voice while I shoved the two towels at Kalei.

After fixing my sheets I opened the door and walked to the elevator. While waiting my mom and Aunty Kanani came with a yawn, they both said, "Morning," at the same time. "Still tired mom, Aunty?"

I asked and my answer was they both yawned again. "Where's dad?" Kalei asked when we got in the elevator.

"They are already down there getting the boards ready, Lei?" I looked to Aunty Kanani, "Yes," I asked. "Are you sure you want to surf with us?" I paused then said, "Do you think I can't keep up with everyone?"

Before any of them could answer the elevator doors opened and I immediately walked out. I can do this, I'm fine.

Shortly after we got to the water Kai, Kanoe, and Makana came. We apply sunblock and one after another we all got into the water.

Lastly Kalei and I got in, as we got closer and closer to the deep I realized I much rather stay closer to the shore.

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