Chapter 1

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Important authors note at the end of the chapter.


I sat at the dining table idly tapping my hands on the table. I was terribly bored after all. It was the weekend and I had no plans, I wasn't really the kind of person who went out a lot. For crying out loud I had only two friends, Nate and Julie. But I wasn't complaining, they were the best friends anyone could ever ask for.

Julie was the loud one, always up to date with the latest gossip in school or town. I sometimes wonder where she gets her information from but as she says and I quote "a true magician never reveals her secret".

She is very pretty with long brown hair, fair skin, pretty blue eyes, a cute button nose and pouty lips. I have to admit I envy her sometimes with my frizzy brown hair with plain brown eyes.

But before I forget about Nate, he is a blonde with bright green eyes and tan skin.

He isn't as loud as Julie and quiet when necessary, but that doesn't make him all good. He is pretty cocky when the situation call for it and tells "funny" jokes at times. We don't tell him they are bad though, don't want to crush his joy.

Before long my phone starts blaring with my latest ring tone "Find my way to you" by Myles Parrish.

I glance at the screen to see 'Julie'  flashing on the screen.

Excited to be distracted, I quickly pick it up and answer the call only to be assulted by Julie's loud voice "hey Hannah!!!, I am coming to see you darling."

I look down at my outfit, still in my Pajamas as I run my hands through my hair trying to stop it from springing in different directions.

"Sure, give me some time to freshen up, come in abou........"

I am interrupted by a loud knocking on the front door. I sigh loudly "you're here aren't you?"

"Yup" she says and I can literally hear the grin in her voice.

With a shake of my head, I walk to the door and pull it open to see Julie leaning on the wall with a wide grin.

I can't resist a smile of my own "get in" I say.

She marches right in and plop down on the couch "come on" she says patting the spot beside her.

I settle down and she quickly grabs a hold of my hands "guess what?"

"You know I can never guess correctly, just tell me," I reply drily.

She pouts "won't you at least try?"

I try to stifle a yawn but it comes out anyway, boredom catching up with me "nope, tell me or I swear I am going to pretend I don't care."

"Fine" she says, her blue eyes lighting up with the onset of a juicy discussion.

"Soooo, you know Jim?" at my confused look she elaborates further.

"The guy in our maths class with brown hair,dark eyes, you know the one with glasses that sits at the back.''

"Ohh yeah" I say realization setting in "what happened?"

"You know the girl Lucy he's always following around, that he has a huge crush on. She's been sending him subtle signs that she's not interested but he seemed to not understand the signs or ignoring them. Either way he confessed on Friday and she turned him down gently but he kept following and pestering her all the way to her house until she slammed the door on his face. Then he showed up this morning on her door step and got doused with a bucket of cold water by her and her older brother."

"OMG really?"

"Yup and that's not all, apparently someone took a picture of him and posted it online."

"And it's going, wait for it, viral! It's even got it's own #tag now 'love sick dude' big heart's and all."

"That was pretty bad, I wonder if he will be able to show his face on Monday" I say feeling pretty bad for the guy.

She shakes her head "either way I think he got the massage" she says her lips hinting towards a smile I see she's trying to suppress.

"Julie?" I say, at that she bursts out in laughter.

When she sees my raised eyebrows she splutters out in between laughter "come on.... even you.... can't deny.... that.... that was.... hilarious."

At my poker face, she pouts and I grin a little "ok it was a bit funny."

Her phone starts ringing and she picks it up "hi Mom..... yeah..... sure bye."

She turns toward me with an apologetic look "gotta run, family emergency, sorry, see you Monday?"

I turn toward the clock "sure, I'll just prepare dinner and go to bed". She get up and move towards the front door "alright bye."

"Bye" I wave her off.

I sigh to myself loudly after she's gone "I better start dinner."


Authors note: Hey. Before reading, I would like to inform you that the first chapters weren't very good, it didn't really have a well developed plot or character development. It's a bit of a scattered fluffy read. If you'd like to check it out, go ahead and thanks for giving it a chance. I've learnt a lot about writing which I hope to implement in my next book. Till then 😊

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