Chapter 3

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I balance my tray on my hands as I head towards our table. On reaching there I drop my tray as my cutleries rattle.

Taking my seat besides Julie and Nate as they both look up, I say "hey guys, it's finally lunch break, thank God".

Nate says "yeah and the sunny weather isn't helping at all".

Julie pop's open her first two buttons as she fans herself with her hands "I feel like I'm gonna fry".

I groan "I am so hot".

"I totally agree, babe" a voice cuts in.

I roll my eyes as someone settles down beside me. Without turning I already know who he is. I can recognize that cocky and confident voice ANYWHERE.

"Hello to you too, Brad"

Brad and I were sort of an acquaintance, I wouldn't really call us friends. He is a member of the football team and we talked at times, well I talked and he flirted. It didn't mean anything though cause I've seen him say similar things to other girls as well.

He is a member of the football team. He has a lot of friends, but his two closest friends were Chloe and Mason. They were among the popular kids in school.

It's still a surprise we talked at times. Not that am a nerd but I wasn't popular, just among the normal kids. I wasn't at the background nor in the spotlight, somewhere in the middle.

Brad calls out "Come on guys, let's sit here".

I turned round to see Chloe and Mason facing our direction having just collected their food. They walk towards us. Mason throws his legs over the chair and settles down.

Chloe surveys our faces with a disgusted look and purses her lips "no thanks, I promised to stay with Sarah today at lunch, got something to discuss".

You could clearly see she just came up with that excuse. With a forced smile she adds "thanks for the invite though".

Brad, seemingly oblivious to her attitude chuckled "sure, catch you later".

Her smile became bright "have fun, bye Brad, Mason". She strutted over to another table.

I looked over at my friends to see a frown on Nate's face while steam was literally coming out of Julie's ear. I gave a look to Julie that said 'calm down she's not worth our time'.

"So how's practice so far" I say to diffuse the tension I can feel coming upon our table.

Brad answers "pretty good, I think we have a good chance of getting to the finals.

Just when I think he's done, he leans forward towards me and smirks "though.... I think if you're up there in the bleachers during practice, you would be a whole lot of motivation".

He looks towards Julie and adds with a smirk "you're also invited gorgeous".

Julie and I roll our eyes as she says " yeah, right". You know sometimes I wonder how my eyeballs hasn't fallen out when I am around Brad. It's like a reflex action to roll my eyes when he's around me.

Someone clears his throat loudly. I turn to find Mason with a smirk on his face "soooo since Brad wouldn't introduce me, I guess I'll introduce myself".

He reaches his hand out towards me "my name is Mason, nice to meet you all, your name is.....?".

I already know his name. In fact I think the whole school knows his name. And I have to admit he is very handsome.

With his perfectly shaped eyebrows to his light blue eyes, pointed nose and pink lips. I move my eyes back up his face to reach his raised eyebrows and I quickly realize I had been staring.

"Like what you see?" Jerk, did he have to call me out on my staring.

Ignoring his remark though I could feel my ears heat up a little "zoned out a little, sorry um Hannah, my name's Hannah".

"Nice to meet you Hannah, your name?" He says turning towards Julie.

"My name's Julie, it's nice to meet you and this is Nate, the last member in our trio" Julie replies with a smile. Nate gives a little wave and a grin.

I refuse to look towards Mason for the remainder of lunch as they all make small talk about school, people and different events.

Brad looks toward his watch "ohh it's almost time for the next class period, gotta stop by my locker, come on Mason, see you guys later".

They get up and I look up at Brad to wave him off and looking away my eyes end up on Mason who's already looking my way.

When he catches my eye, he smirks and winks subtly.

Brad throws his arm over Mason's shoulder and together they stalk off.

Once I am pretty sure they are far from hearing I mutter aloud this time "jerk".

Julie and Nate bursts out in laughter.

"Ohh Hannah, you should have seen your face, haha" Julie tells me in between laughter.

I groan loudly and place my head on the table "I was just observing his face".

"Sure you were" Julie says with a teasing look.

"Is it so wrong to admire someone's face" I say my voice muffled by the table.

"Don't stress over it Hannah, what's done is done, let's get to class", Nate tells me.

"Yeah" Julie says packing up our lunch trays "don't want to be late".

I huff "alright, let go".


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