chapter 4

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Nate, Julie and I stroll together out of the hallways towards the parking lot after school ended.

Julie moves towards her car and unlocks the front door "anybody need a ride?".

Out of the three of us Julie was the only one with a car. They were kind of rich if I say so even though Julie keeps on denying the fact.

Not that my parents couldn't afford one for me. My dad and I had often toyed with the idea at times but my mom strongly insisted that I would get one when I am an adult and in college.

I don't know about Nate's reason but he's told us before that he didn't really need one right now.

"Nope, you guys go on without me" Nate replies.

"Where are you going?" Julie replies.

Nate looks at her "nowhere I just feel like taking a walk, soooo...." He ruffles our hair then quickly moves back before I can grab him "see you guys later" he finishes with a cheeky smile and is gone before I can utter another word.

I turn towards Julie "I however need a ride, would you mind driving me somewhere?".

She leans against the car "where?"

I give her my pleading eyes and throw in a little pout "two places actually, I need to stop by the supermarket to pick up something and stop by 'Lila's diner' for a little snack".

She purses her lips as she heads towards the drivers seat "sure!, anything for you darling" she says as she tosses a charming but suspicious smile over her shoulder.

There has to be a catch, I just know it.

As she gets into the drivers seat, she calls out "as long as I get some ice cream of course".

"Ahah! I knew it" I exclaim as I get in shotgun.

"What? I've been craving some vanilla since this morning" she says with a innocent look.

I put on my seatbelt "fine... Let's go I have some change to spare".

Julie's face lights up "woohoo" she exclaims as she zooms off the parking lot.


"I won't take much time" I say as I head in between the isle to get the stuff I need with a basket hanging in the crook of my elbow.

Julie calls out "sure I'll hang around here until you're through".

Okay so in need three cans of milk, a packet of Oreos, a bottle of maple syrup, um about three sodas........

I recite the items in my head as I find and put them in the basket.

In about 15 minutes I am done and I head back to find Julie.

I am unsurprised to not find her where I left her. I find her leaning on top of the counter towards one of the younger male attendants who packages and gives the price for the items bought.

The boy watches her all doe-eyed as she blabbers off about something I can't hear though I am sure he isn't listening either way as he stares awestruck by her beautiful face.

She places her hand on his arm in the middle of her rant and I can see the way his breath hitches at her touch though she doesn't seem to notice.

I better go save the poor boy before he loses his job for being completely distracted instead of tending to costumers.

I head towards them and stand beside Julie. The boy's eyes snap over to me still a little dazed as I say "would you package these up for me?".

"Um... Uh... Sure... Coming right up" he says as he takes my basket.

I nudge her and she mouths "what?". I turn forward before he faces us and hands me the packaged items. With his eyes fixed on Julie as she gives him a smile, he mutters "thanks for shopping at Lance's supermarket".

He opens his mouth, closes it, opens it and closes it again before gaining some courage and muttering "canigetyournumber".

His face flames red.

She tilts her head "huh?" And his face becomes a lot redder.

God, I am a few seconds short of bursting into laughter.

"Please can I get your number" he utters a bit loudly.

"Ohhh, um.. sure.. no probs" she replies as she digs in her purse and bring out her phone to get her number.

This girl couldn't store her number in her memory even if the world depended on it.

He brings out his own phone from his own pocket. I can see his nerves as he almost drops the phone. I can't help it, a giggle slips out.

His head snaps towards me and he has the grace to look embarrassed.

"Opps, don't mind me, I'll be right out waiting for you Julie" I turn around and walk away out of the doors.

As l get outside a laugh slips out, another and another until an elderly lady nearby looks at me like I've grown two heads.

I immediately pull on a poker face even though I am sure my flush gives me away.

Julie appears and I slide her a teasing look.

Time for payback.

"Sooo what else did lover boy?"

A pink tint covers her cheeks "shut up and let's go get my vanilla".


I know it's hard to keep reading when they are only a few chapters, but don't give up!.

Anyways, vote and comment!.

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