Chapter 8

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Getting into the locker room, I quickly change into my sports wear. Our gym clothes consisted of a t- shirt and gym shorts.

It was supposed to be a little bit big so that we'll be comfortable during our class but a lot of girls usually selected a size too small to show off and probably make the clothing more attractive I guess. Who knows.

I waited for Julie as she finished up while watching the other girls hustle about.

I spotted Chloe strutting out of the room looking effortlessly gorgeous. I dislike girls who feel like they're above everything around them just because they are among the popular crew. You could see the look she gave other girls around her.

Ugh. Why am I even wasting my time thinking about her. I turn towards Julie to see she's done.

"Let's go".

We enter the gym and wait for our teacher and within 30 seconds he arrives.

"Class! Gather around", he shouts and we all shuffle toward him.

"We're running laps around the field to get you guys hyped up and then we'll do something else or just let the boys practice for the rest of the class for the upcoming competition".

Hyped up?!.

Julie shared the same thought "by hyped up, he means exhausted right?" She whispered to me.

I chuckled quietly.

"Ok! Everybody get on the tracks! Move it!" He yelled at us.

I'm not someone that likes sports or exercise but I wouldn't say I was very bad at it. Same with Julie, we just did whatever he said to get good grades, not because we enjoyed it or it was fun.

After about 20 minutes of running I was ready to fall down and just lie down on the floor. I was breathing so hard I expected my heart to jump out of my chest.

Then I heard "alright enough! Take 10!. Then the guys on the team, after the break, get ready to practice for the remainder of the class".

Exhausted, I collapsed with Julie in one of the chairs on the bleachers.

"That was - was not fun" Julie breathed.

"Yeah, at one point I felt like I was gonna fall down".

We were quiet for a few seconds, then I could see someone approach me from the corner of my eyes.

I didn't look up until I heard "hey Hannah".

I looked up to find Mason grinning widely at me.

Does he have to show off the fact that he has a charming smile. I was not in the mood for this right now. Why was he even talking to me?.

I didn't want to be rude so I mumbled "hi".

"Do you always have a frown on your face or is it just me?", he asks with an amused look.

"What do you want?" I ask a little sharper than intended.

I hadn't forgotten what happened yesterday and the fact that he embarrassed me in front of everyone for something I did subconsciously.

He laughs, not at all intimidated "you're feisty".

"Brad asked me to give these to you" he says with a smirk still lazily hanging off his lips.

I realize he was holding a bag as he reaches in and bring out a bunch of flyers.

"Why?" I ask.

"It's for the tryouts. We need a new member as Dave had to transfer schools. We got to fill in his spot immediately before the game and we need a good player".

Scrunching up my eyebrows, I ask "and this is my problem.. how?.

"Brad said you promised to help if the team needed help cause you're all for our school team winning".

I had told Brad that. But I was just being nice!. I didn't think I'll actually have to do anything!.

"You're not going back on your word, are you?" Mason says with a smug look on his face.

I realize Julie hasn't said anything since. I look at her from the corner of my eyes so see her hands on her chin with an amused look on her face as she watches us.

"You know what? Give it to me, I'm just supposed to put them around school right?"

Anything to get him to go away.

"Yeah, what's else do you wanna do with them? Give them to your mum?".

I flush and he smirks. I immediately school my reaction.

"If that's all, you can leave".

"Why? Don't want my company?".

"Is there anything else you wanted?" I grit out.


"Then bye, tell Brad I said hi". I turn away .

He chuckles "alright bye Hannah, see you around".

See you around?!.

I glare at the back of his head as he joins his friends.

Julie giggles "isn't he cute?".

"Cute?!" I ask outraged, "You're joking right?".

"What?, You have to admit he's good looking".

"No I don't have to. I don't like him".


"You're asking me why?!. He's rude and mean and.... and cocky. Plus he too overconfident for his own good".

"Uhuh...." She drawls with a smile on her face.

"You know what? I'm not discussing him. Let's go take a shower. You reek." I add teasingly as I get up.

"So do you" she shoots back with a smile as we head for the girls locker room.

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