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Adeline slung the doors of the Salvatore house open and walked inside. The sound of the door slamming against the wall behind it brought both the brothers into the foyer along with Elena and Bonnie who were waiting inside as well.

"Christ Addy!" Damon scolded. "We thought you were Klaus—or maybe even Elijah. Did Elena here tell you she undaggered the old guy?" he scoffed, glaring over at Elena clearly unhappy about her choice.

"She didn't have to tell me." Adeline huffed. "Elijah told me himself." She stepped further into the house and closed the door behind her. Everyone's eyes went wide and were staring at her with confusion.

"Elijah came and saw you?" Elena questioned.

"Why would he do that?" Stefan worried, taking a step in Adeline's direction. Stefan was good friend to Addy, they had grown close through the escapades of trying to save Elena.

"He wanted me to deliver a message to all of you." She sighed. "If you cross him or break the deal Elena made... he will turn me and use me as the vampire sacrifice in Klaus's stupid ritual."

The jaws around the room dropped, everyone equally as shocked and worried. They knew this would put a halt to any schemes they were trying to cook up. Adeline knew the Salvatore brothers; she knew they were going to try something. It was not there style not to.

"Addy—I'm so sorry." Elena pleaded, walking to the blonde girl, and embracing her in a hug. Adeline shrugged and wrapped her arms around her long-time friend.

"This is not going to happen. I will not let her die." Bonnie interjected.

"Neither will we Bon Bon." Damon announced, eyeing the witch. "We will just have to get her out of town."

"There isn't a place we could take her that Elijah wouldn't find her." Stefan pointed out.

He was right, Elijah had eyes and ears everywhere as did Klaus. People were informing them of every move the group made, trying to stay on the good side of the original brothers.

"So, what we just stop trying to save Elena?" Damon inquired. "Great plan brother."

"No." Adeline blurted. "We will find a way to save her and if I die in process, then so be it."

"No way Addy" Bonnie shouted.

"Not happening." Elena agreed with the witch.

This was what Elijah was talking about, Adeline was selfless, and she always had been. Sure, Elena offered up her life for her friends but deep down, she didn't mean it because she knew the Salvatore brothers would find a way, a loophole, they always had. But Addy, she meant it with everything in her. She would do anything to protect those she loved. It was one of the many things her friends loved most about her.

"I agree." Stefan interrupted. "It doesn't solve anything for us to sacrifice one life for another. We just need to think of something else, we need time."

"News flash brother, we have no time." Damon scoffed. "The full moon is tomorrow, and Klaus has weaseled his way into town somewhere."

Klaus had jumped into Alaric's body, but after the ordeal at the decades dance with Bonnie he was in the wind. We assumed he had returned to his own body, but we had no idea what he looked like, he could be anyone.

"I can kill him." Bonnie announced, eyeing her blonde best friend.

"No way. "Adeline argued. "He thinks you are dead, which means you are safe."

"Addy, I can do this. I—" Bonnie started.

"No! No way." Adeline cut her off with haste. There was no way she was letting Bonnie anywhere near the psychopath of a vampire. Klaus was unpredictable, a loose cannon. At least with Elijah you knew you could take him for his word, the same could not be said for the original vampire they had yet to meet.

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