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Some of the founding families went rogue and decided they would try to clean up the town's vampire problem on their own—without sheriff Forbes. Of course, they left her out because she would have never let it happen, she knows what her daughter is, and she was close family friends with Adeline's parents—she wouldn't have let them torture her. As for why they took Elena, I guess they hoped she would point them in the direction of more vampires, since they knew her boyfriend or ex-boyfriend was one. But there is nothing to worry about when it comes to them anymore—Klaus killed them all.

Today Adeline was thankful for being a vampire—she woke up from last nights torture session, healed and feeling normal again. She was sprawled out in the middle of Klaus's large bed, but he wasn't in it with her. She sat up and looked around the room, hoping he was at least in there, but he wasn't. Adeline climbed out of bed and threw a t-shirt over her head and went to look for the Hybrid.

She could hear hushed voices coming from downstairs, she was trying to make out what they were saying but she needed to get a little closer. She stepped onto the wood floor and it creaked beneath her. She was hoping Klaus didn't hear that, but she knew better. He rounded the corner and stared at the sneaking blonde.

"Good Morning." She smiled innocently, knowing she was caught.

"Nice try love." Klaus scoffed.

Adeline rolled her eyes and walked towards the Hybrid. She saw one of his sired men standing in the room—it seemed like she had interrupted an important conversation.

"What's going on Klaus?" She questioned; she was starting to feel like it had something to do with her. The way the new Hybrid was staring at her made her feel like he knew something she didn't. Klaus shook his head, it seemed like he didn't want to tell Adeline, but he knew she wasn't going to let it go.

"Tim here has just informed me that Elena is in transition." Klaus huffed. "Which means I have a Salvatore to kill – or two."

"Wait—Elena is—" she muttered, trying to come to grips with what Klaus was telling her.

"Becoming a vampire. Yes, yes it's all very tragic." He scoffed, interrupted her; he wasn't in the mood for her emotions this morning. He was angry he would now lose his ability to sire more hybrids.

"I have to go see her." Adeline shook her head; she was worried about her friend. They may have been in a fight, but they have been there for each other since birth.

"Might want to stay away from there for awhile love—I'm going to have to kill the lot of them." Klaus warned.

"No! Klaus you are not going to touch them." Adeline argued. "You don't even know what happened. What if it wasn't their fault?"

"Everything is the Salvatore's fault somehow." Klaus laughed under his breath.

Adeline stepped forward and placed her hand on the Hybrids chest. She locked eyes with him, trying to calm him.

"Please—don't do anything. Let me go see them and see what is going on." She pleaded.

Klaus looked at her with cold eyes—he was unamused by her attempts to persuade him. He wrapped hid hand around her wrist and moved it from his chest.

"Did you honestly think batting your eyelashes and asking nicely would change my mind?" he huffed.

"No Klaus—I didn't." she lied. "I thought that you cared about me and respected me enough to do this for me."

Adeline was offended by Klaus's harsh demeanor—just when she was getting use to the side of him that was a little more tender, at least towards her, he pulls something like this. She knew she couldn't change who he was completely, he would always be Klaus Mikaelson after all, but she hoped he would be better towards her.

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