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Klaus could feel the anger rising in his throat— the pure rage that felt like acidic stomach bile creating a burning feeling. He cursed himself for leaving her here, for not making sure she was properly protected. He thought his brother was pay attention, but he was wrong.

"How could you let this happen?!" Klaus spat, shoving Elijah against the wall of his now empty bedroom.

"Niklaus I came as soon as I heard any sort of noise— she wanted to nap!" Elijah yelled, shoving his brother off him. "What am I to do? Follow her into your bedroom? I don't think you would have liked that."

Klaus scoffed under his breath. His brothers timing on taking digs at him was classic Elijah he thought.

"For all this pomp and fuss you make about this baby being the saving grace for this family, about Adeline being practically an angel walking you do a horrible job protecting her!" He yelled, grabbing Elijah by the suit collar and tossing him.

The original vampire picked himself up off the floor and dusted off his suit. He looked at his brother with a angry glare— he wanted to hit him or throw him back in retaliation but they didn't have time. They couldn't waste another moment, they needed to find Adeline.

"We need to find her Niklaus." Elijah huffed.

Klaus turned and stomped down the stairs, catching the attention of everyone in the house. It was obvious to everyone something was very wrong.

"What it is?" Kol questioned , looking between his two distraught brothers.

"Someone has taken Adeline." Klaus spoke through gritted teeth. He was seconds away from absolutely losing it. He was worried, so worried he felt sick and that kind of emotion in Klaus was channeled into rage.

"What?" Stefan gasped, staring at Klaus with wide eyes.

"And it seems they left us a parting gift." Klaus held up the syringe that was once filled with vervain.

"Oh my god." Elena began to weep. "We have to find her."

"Little witch." Klaus said turning to Bonnie. "Going to need you to do a locator spell, think you can handle that?"

"Yes." Bonnie didn't hesitate. "Bring me something of importance to Adeline.

"Already got it." Klaus dangled the diamond necklace he gave Adeline back in mystic falls. He found it on the floor, it had fallen off her neck during the struggle of the capture.

Bonnie got to work, using the necklace to try and pinpoint the location of his wife and their friend.


It was dark— there was a hood placed over Adelines head. She was slowing regaining her consciousness. She could hear voices, but couldn't make out who they were— not until they abruptly pulled the hood off her head and there stood Marcel.

"Morning sunshine!" He yelled, a devilish smirk on his face.

"Marcel." She spat. Her arms were bound behind her back with ropes laced in vervain. Every time she moved it felt like a hot iron branding her skin. She struggled for a moment, trying to break them free.

"I wouldn't do that." He smiled. "You'll only make it worse on yourself.

"Let me go Marcel!" She shouted.

He laughed under his breath, pacing in front of the chair he had her sat on. He had what was left of his pathetic army standing with him.

"Look Adeline, I've got nothing against you, other than your poor taste in men. But you seem like a great girl." He admitted. "Unfortunately for you, you went and got knocked up by one of the evilest vampires or I guess hybrid to ever live— a magical baby. A baby the quarter cannot afford, a baby I cannot allow to be born."

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