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     Adeline and Klaus stood side by side – staring at the women Klaus had just called Mother. Adeline was in shock—first the original father shows up in town and now their mother.

"It's good to see you again son." She broke the silence amongst the group. "And who is this?"

"Adeline, go." Klaus ordered under his breath; but the girl was frozen in place.

"Adeline, is it? I'm Esther." She smiled.

"I said go!" Klaus yelled.

His rage snapped Addy out of her state of shock. She looked over at the Hybrid who was looking at her with pleading eyes—he needed her to leave.

"What is going on out here?" Elijah interrupted. His eyes went wide as he took in the women standing before them. He hadn't seen his mother in a thousand years—she was supposed to be dead, yet here she was. "Adeline, Niklaus is right. You should go."

Behind Elijah stood Rebekah and two other males she hadn't seen before but did take note that there looks favored one another.

Klaus gave Adeline a shove towards her car and she took off walking as fast as she could. She was ready to get away from there—the tension building around the group was enough suffocate her.

"I hope to see you again soon!" Esther called out.

"Like hell you will." Klaus snarled through gritted teeth.

Adeline sat down in her car and Klaus shut her door behind her. She pulled out of the driveway and left the family behind as fast as she could.


Adeline busted through the door at the Salvatore house and walked into the living room where Stefan, Elena and Damon were congregating. Her breathing was uneven, and her face was white as a ghost.

"Addy—" Stefan looked at her with worried eyes.

"There mother is back." She shook.

"Who's mother? What's going on?" Damon questioned.

"The originals. They have a mother – and she is here in Mystic Falls." She breathed. "And there is more of them... they are all here."

"Well, this just got entertaining." Damon scoffed, taking a gulp of his bourbon.

Adeline tried to explain to her friends why she was at the Mikaelson Mansion in the first place. She told them about the necklace and how she was there to try and give it back. No one questioned what else happened or pressed her any further, but Stefan's eyes were locked on the diamond that hung from her neck.


The next day Adeline was in her kitchen with cinnamon rolls baking in the oven. She had decided after all this time, they were here favorite now too. She thought about her parents every time the strong cinnamon aroma wafted through the house. She missed them—she was alone and baking their favorite treat made her feel close to them again.

Adeline cautiously walked towards the front door after hearing a knock. She wasn't expecting any company today and knew she couldn't be to careful, especially after her father was murdered. She didn't think Katherine would be stupid enough to set foot in the town the original family now called home, but stranger things had happened.

When she opened the door, she was confused when no one was there. She looked down at her feet and there was a large box with an envelope on top. She carried the box inside and sat it down on the counter. The envelope was sealed shut with a wax seal of the letter M.


She tore open the paper and inside was an invitation to a ball at the Mikaelson Mansion—tonight. Inside the box was a long sparkling black gown. The material was smooth but thick, she could tell it was expensive and knew exactly who it came from.

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