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Klaus pulled Elijah by the arm and stomped down the road with her groaning and struggling the whole way. She knew there was no escaping him though-- he was much stronger than she was. He slammed the door of the compound shut behind them and instantly turned to Adeline with rage filled eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Adeline shouts.

"Me? What is wrong with me?" He scoffed. "What is wrong with you! Walking around New Orleans with riff raff like Marcel! You have no idea what you are getting yourself into."

"No Klaus you're right I don't. But it beats the hell out of being here with you." She scolded. "Not even a week after you tell me you love you're here... with someone else."

"I didn't know when I would see you again! Would it be years? Decades? Centuries?" he shouted. "You didn't tell me! All you said was goodbye and I was angry, I am still angry!"

"Well so am I Klaus!" she screamed. "I'm angry!"

Adeline's eyes began to fill with tears, the anger was turning into sadness. Her heart was broken, and no amount of alcohol or rage could help that.

"Adeline—" Klaus's tone softened, and he stepped forward to the blonde, realizing how hurt she was. He lifted his hand up and cupped her face. She indulged in the touch for a moment, allowing herself to feel his skin against hers—a feeling she had missed so much. A feeling after only a week of missing she was craving for like an addict.

"No" she huffed. "Don't." Adeline backed away. She couldn't do this—she wasn't about to give into him so easily.

"I cannot look at you right now Klaus—" She wept. "I gave up so much for you. You are the only one I've ever love—I just can't look at you right now."

She didn't want to say more—she couldn't give him the satisfaction of hearing her say she still loved him but of course she did. The hybrid knew that because he loved her too, more than he had ever loved anymore. She made him crazy, made him lash out with simple words, he couldn't describe the way she made him feel but it was unlike anything.

She was his soulmate—and he was hers. Whether they liked that right now or not, it was fate, and you can't outrun fate.

Adeline walked to the door; she couldn't stay here for another minute. She needed air, she needed to think.

"Where will you go!?" He shouted after her. "This city isn't safe for you to be alone!"

"Brother—" Elijah spoke emerging from upstairs. "She will be fine; I have secured a safe place for her until she wishes to return."

"Of course, you have." Klaus growled.


The city was buzzing with people and the streets were filled with tourists with drinks in their hands ready to bar hop through the French Quarter. Adeline walked down the street looking at the carefree people finding herself a touch jealous of them. They had nothing to worry about—life was simple. But for her, life had been nothing close to simple for awhile now. She was a vampire after all, that's about as complicated as it gets.

"Hi." A brunette greeted her. Adeline looked over and recognized her instantly.

"Bold of you to talk to me."  She hissed. "You do know I'm a vampire, right?"

"I do—but you don't seem too evil and diabolical." She teased but Adeline wasn't finding her amusing. She swooshed the girl backwards and slammed her against a wall in the ally nearby.

"I can be eviler than I look." She scowled. "Especially when people piss me off." The brunette wiggled under her grasp but couldn't get free—Adeline was too strong. The blonde glared at the girl for a moment longer before freeing her from her hold and walking away.

SINNER - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now