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Adeline broke down outside the Salvatore house— she was supposed to go back inside and hangout with her friends but she needed a minute. She knelt down in the driveway and put her hand over her mouth to silence her sobs. They were gut wrenching, painful sobs. She couldn't get his words out of her head. "I love you" was playing over and over.

I guess there is truth behind the words you never realize how much you love someone until you lose them. She knew she was falling in love with Klaus, even that she already loved him but she didn't know how much until she had to let him go.

As she sobbed to herself in the driveway a lot of different things crossed her mind— would her mom be proud of her for the decisions she was making? Would Elijah be disappointed in her? Because she knew what her relationship with Klaus meant to him. Would Klaus stop loving her?

She took a deep breath and used the sleeve of her shirt to clean up her face and she headed inside the house— ready to fake being happy, at least for tonight. She knew her friends needed this— Elena needed this. I guess she was officially apart of the save Elena squad, as she had now lost someone trying to help her friend. It seemed like a common theme in the group.

"Finally your back!!" Caroline beamed when Adeline walked through the door.

"Damon let us raid the alcohol supply and pick out the good stuff." Bonnie cheered, she was clearly already wasted.

"Give me the bottle." Adeline ordered and chugged as much as her stomach could stand. She was going to need to get extremely drunk tonight to get through this after what she just went through.

The group of friends drank and danced to loud music. Adeline tried her best to avoid talking to much, she just didn't feel like it. She was throwing back shot after shot until she reached a point where the pain was numb— it didn't hurt as bad.

A few bottles of alcohol later everyone was wasted and ready to crash. Adeline could barely walk, the room was spinning and she was wobbling from side to side while just standing still.

"Wow— blondie here is totally wasted." Damon laughed and the rest of the group joined. "Stef— take her up to your room let her sleep there."

"I can take myself!" Adeline slurred, and stumbled her way to the stairs. It took her longer than she would ever admit to get up the stairs and down the hall to Stefans room.

She jumped on his bed and let out a huge sigh of relief to finally be lying still.

"What's going on Adeline?" Stefan asked sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What— nothing I'm good." She groaned into the pillow.

"Well you left and then you come back and drink more than I've ever seen you drink."

"What are you? The alcohol police?" She laughed, she was so drunk there was no way she would be able to have any kind of real conversation with Stefan.

"Alright addy— just get some sleep." He huffed.

"Lay down Stef— you don't have to sleep on the couch." She offered.

He stared at his friend and wasn't sure if he should stay, but he wanted to. He laid down beside her and stared at the ceiling, he couldn't fall asleep but she could. He could hear her breathing slow and knew she was asleep.


The next morning Adeline woke up with a pounding headache— she didn't even realize vampires could still get hangovers. She was cursing herself for drinking as much as she did, but as soon as she got out of her sleepy state— she thought of him, she thought of saying goodbye and her stomach felt like it dropped out of her body.

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