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Adeline was pregnant and one week out from her wedding and everything had exploded. It wasn't the fact that there was another girl centuries ago— she figured in a thousand years there had to be someone. But it was the lies. Both him and Elijah lied to her, or maybe they she wasn't that special to them? It didn't seem that way by there reactions, but what really made things worse was that she was here, in New Orleans.

They didn't go back to the house last night— they went to the hotel Elijah took her to the first night she came there. Klaus had called her cell phone so many times she had to silence it. She didn't want to talk to him right now.

Adeline was sitting at the bench in between the two windows of the top floor suite, she was staring out at the city in front, trying to clear her head.

"You okay?" Stefan spoke softly, walking up to sit beside her.

"Honestly?" she shrugged. "Not really."

He gave her a sympathetic smile and nodded. He knew she was confused and upset; anyone would be. She was being thrusted into the middle of a war between Klaus and Marcel, she had just become collateral damage. Marcel wanted to hurt Klaus by bringing back this girl from there passed, but he took Adeline down with him.

Adeline was fiddling with the engagement ring secured on his left hand.

"A thousand years is a long time." Stefan breathed. "There was bound to be someone during that time, right?"

Stefan wasn't trying to defend Klaus, but he wanted to help his friend feel better. He didn't like seeing her in pain. He had a point—a thousand years is a long time not to have any kind of past and Adeline didn't expect that from him, but she did expect honesty. She also didn't expect to be bombarded by this girl days after her proposal and a week before her wedding.

"Yeah—it is a long time." She huffed. Her phone began to light up and Elijah's name was shining across the screen. She clicked the red button, declining his call. Stefan watched as she flipped her phone over, so she no longer had to see the screen and let out a deep breath, squeezing her eyes shut like she was trying to wish all this away.

Damon walked into the room, greeting the two friends.

"I went back to the party; you know to scope things out see if anything happened that we missed." Damon blurted. "Looks like we missed a massacre, Klaus went crazy and killed like six of that marcel dudes' friends."

Adeline shook her head and let out a deep breath, she could have guessed he was going to lash out. Stefan kept his eyes Adeline, watching her face for giveaways about what she was feeling.

"Typical Klaus really." Damon shrugged. "I'm going to go find Elena and let you two talk."

Damon walked out of the room, leaving the friends alone again.

"We can leave." Stefan blurted. "We can get Bonnie unlink you and we can take off, leave them behind."

"Stefan, I'm pregnant with his baby." Adeline argued.

"I can protect the baby—and you." He insisted.

"I can't." she shook her head.


"Because I love him!" she snapped. "I love him no matter what. I can't help it and I know sometimes it doesn't make sense, but I love him. He's my –"

"Soulmate." Stefan breathed, finishing her sentence for her.

"Yes." She whispered, tears brimming her eyes.

It was the hard truth. No matter how many people he killed or how unhinged he became, she loved him, and she always would. She needed to give him the benefit of the doubt, to hear him out about what happened last night. She needed the truth about this Mikayla girl.

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