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A clear liquid pooled at Adelines feet as she was getting ready for the day, then they started— the cramps. She looked down at her round tummy and knew what this was.

"Klaus!!!" She shouted, walking out of the bedroom and looking down at her husband on the bottom floor.

"What it it love?" He questioned, sipping on his bourbon with Elijah and Kol.

"It's happening— my water just broke." She gasped, doubling over in pain as another contraction rolled through her.

Klaus dropped his drink on the floor, the glass shattering as he looked up at his wife. He was excited, more than he had been in his whole life but he was nervous too. He rushed upstairs, placing his hand on his wife's back and walking her down the stairs.

"Elijah get the car!" Klaus ordered. "Kol run to the babies nursery and get the diaper bag!"

Both the brothers listened, flashing away to handle there tasks. This baby meant everything to everyone in this house. The family had grown closer then they had in centuries, bonding over the baby and Klaus's new outlook on the importance of family. He no longer had any intention of daggering them or harming them in any way... he left that for his enemies. They had truly become the family Elijah always wanted them to be.

Klaus pulled out his phone and dialed Rebekah. Her and Marcel were on a little romantic getaway. After everything with Adeline and mikayla, Marcel saw the error of his way. He also knew fighting against Klaus was pointless and dangerous, they let bygones be bygones. The boys weren't close— but they weren't enemies and that was progress.

"Bekah. The baby is coming, her water has broke." He spoke into the phone. With my vamp hearing I could hear her squeal with excitement and tell Marcel to pack there bags.

"Oh god!" Adeline groaned, clutching her stomach in pain.

"Got to go sis, you know wife having a baby and all. See you soon." He smiled and quickly hung up the phone.

Elijah pulled the car up to the front door and Klaus helped Adeline outside and into the car. Klaus got behind the wheel and Elijah and Kol piled into the back. They were speeding down the streets, skipping stop lights headed to the hospital.

When they got inside the nurses took Adeline right away. When it was time to push, something was wrong. Her body was tear to make room for the baby to exit but it would heal himself. Klaus had to compel the doctors not to panic.

"Don't panic and don't worry about anything medicine cannot explain." He compelled. "The baby isn't going to come out by pushing, so what would you do?" He questioned.

"A C section." The doctor answered.

"Okay let's do it." He ordered.

The doctors pushed Adeline into a sterile surgery room with Klaus right be her side. He stood there, letting her squeeze his hand, locking his eyes with hers to keep her calm. He was the only thing that kept her heart rate down, if he got out of her line of sight she panicked. It was all scary to her and after all she was still young.

The doctor sliced her open, and pulled the baby out before she had a chance to heal. The cries of the newborn filled the room and tears traced down Adelines cheek as she caught her first glimpse. Klaus was completely still, staring at the perfect creation, the beautiful baby made by him and the only women he would ever love.

"Congratulations Mr. Mikaelson, she's beautiful." The nurse smiled, handing the baby to Klaus wrapped in a pink blanket while then tended to Adeline, even though her body was already mending itself.

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