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Adeline walked into the compound and Elijah immediately rushed into the room. She had been gone all day and stopped answering her phone, he was worried about her.

"Adeline!" He huffed. "I was worried, are you alright?" he grabbed her shoulders, looking her up and down to make sure she hadn't been harmed.

"Elijah-- I'm fine." she assured him. "Actually, I'm great. There is someone that wants to see you.' He cocked his head to the side in curiosity and then Klaus stepped in from outside the door, wearing a large smile on his face.

It looked like the breath had been stolen from Elijah's lungs, he parted his lips in shock.

"Impossible." He muttered, staring down his now 'alive' brother.

"Very much possible I assure you." Klaus smirked.

"How?" Elijah breathed, turning back to Adeline.

"I found the ninth ward -- they resurrected him." she smiled, she felt proud of herself and for the first time in seven years she was genuinely happy.

"My god." Elijah shook. Klaus held his arms out and Elijah snapped out of his shock, realizing this was real, his brother was back. He rushed over to him and the pair embraced in a long hug.

Adeline's eyes filled with tears watching the two brothers be reunited again. It was like watching her dreams come to life, watching what had played in her head so many times come true.

"Mom? What's going on?" Hope called out from up the stairs, rubbing the sleep away from her eyes. Klaus pulled away from Elijah at the sound of her voice and his eyes immediately found hers. He looked like he was in awe-- he couldn't believe how much she had grown and how beautiful she was. Not to mention, she looked so much like him and that was obvious.

"Hello Darling." He smiled, tears rising in his eyes.

"Oh my god--" she gasped. "Dad?"

He nodded and she fled down the stairs, leaping into his arms and he spun his little girl around.

"Dad." she cried.

"Hope." he smiled into her hair.

"I can't believe this is real." she breathed. "Mom is this real?"

"It's real." Adeline laughed, giving her daughter a hug.


The next day, business had to be taken care of. It was time for the Mikaelson family along with Marcel and his gang to leave New Orleans for good. That was the deal Adeline made with the witches to bring Klaus back.

Elijah and the rest of the family had no issues. They compelled movers to start packing up the compound, loading down a truck with all the things they wanted to keep.

It was much harder to convince Marcel. New Orleans was a kingdom he ran for three hundred years— he didn't want to let it go. But if he didn't, he knew the ninth ward would come after him and so would Klaus. He wasn't about to let anything, or anyone put his family in danger and not leaving would do just that.

Adeline and Klaus were standing, taking one last look at the place they had called home. They were ready to say goodbye.

"I guess it's time I kept that promise I made to you— to show you the world." He smiled.

"I guess it is." She smirked.

Klaus leanded down, pressing his lips to Adelines forehead. She softly smiled, closing her eyes taking a moment to really appreciate this — appreciate her life. Everything was finally perfect again.

They may not have made sense to some people, and some may never understand how these two came together. But they knew they were soulmates, it was written in the stars for them to find each other. Everything Adeline went through, everything Klaus went through led them to each other.

Adeline stood on her tip toes, reaching up to place a kiss on her husbands lips. He smiled into her lips, grabbing the back of her neck to pull her tighter.

"How about Paris?" He questioned. "Or Switzerland? Or Hawaii?"

"Well, how about all of them." She smiled. "I mean, we do have forever."

Klaus smiled and took her hand into his as they walked to the car, driving out of New Orleans. He would never feel deserving of Adeline— he was a sinner and she was an angel but he would spend the rest of forever loving her.

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