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*12 years ago*

My eyes were watering as I swiped the blood off my cheek. I held the tears in, even at this young age I knew crying would only make it worse for me. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, I instinctively flinched away.

"Don't worry young one, there will be more to come," he said gruffly, "the first one is always the worst. Besides you're only eleven, I killed my first at ten years old."

This was no comfort to me at all. I looked down at the man lying on the ground, eyes still and his chest not moving anymore. I dropped the gun on the ground, clapping my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming. It took everything in me not to start sobbing, the lifelessness of the man below me shook me to my core. I could feel my small hands shaking as it felt the world was spinning all around me.

"Don't look so sad, he owed us money. You're loyal to us not them," he kept spitting in my face as he talked.

I picked the gun up quickly, pointing it at his round and sweaty face. I pulled the trigger but instead of him falling to the floor there was only the sound of a click. 

There had been only one bullet. Enough for the kill and that was all. 

I looked up to see the man looking angrily at me. His hand reached back and smacked me across the face. I fell to the concrete, scraping my knees as I landed with a thud. I could feel my hands shaking as anger boiled over.

In that moment I swore I would kill this man. 

He jerked me up by my hair and took me to their underground facilities were I was to undergo more experiments. Every day they would inject different serums into my arm. They were hoping to create an all new superhero. Or should I say super villain. Lucky me, I got to be the lab rat. Every day I hoped the serums wouldn't work, just so they couldn't get what they wanted from me. However, I could feel the serums working under my skin and I knew that one of these days it was going to be effective and their work would be successful. The man, Bruno, threw me onto the metal chair and strapped me in, just like every other day.

I screamed for them to let me go. I threatened that I would be the end to them all. 

Their only responses were snickers.

The scientist, whose name I have yet to learn stood with the needle ready to inject me once again. He pulled my sleeve up and stuck in deep into my skin. I barely even noticed anymore. It has been this way for more than a year now. My parents were long gone, they were both drug addicts and one day I was scooped up and they didn't even notice. I've been with these people since I was around six years old. I haven't heard anything about them since then.

I felt the serum move its way into my veins and I could feel it working. This is it, this is the one that will work. I could feel my eyes start to flutter close and I screamed in pain before I was completely taken by the darkness.

~~~5 Years Later~~

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. It was well lit and I knew it wasn't the one I had been staying in. I could smell air freshener in the room, and I looked around at my surroundings and I was hooked up to a machine that continuously beeped. I started to panic and tried getting up when a young man who looked about twenty five walked in.

The day the serum worked, well that was five years ago. It took five years for someone to come rescue me. For someone to take me from that horrible place, I couldn't even remember what it was called. Only the bad things they had made me do. The people they had me take out. 

I couldn't even remember everything they made me do, who they had me terminate. I was completely left in the dark. 

I knew that I would come back for them. No matter how long it took.

"Hey it's okay, you'll be okay now. They can't hurt you anymore," he coaxed me to sit back down. He had friendly eyes and I automatically felt like I could trust him. I looked inside his mind, one of my powers coming in handy. I could see he had no other motive. So I trusted him. 

I nodded and sat back in the bed slowly.

"My name is Clint and I am a part of a place called SHIELD and we will all take care of you okay?"

I shook my head in agreement, trying not to cry. I knew crying would result in a punishment.

"Do you remember what happened to you there?" he asked me in a soft voice.

I quietly told him my story or anything I could remember about it. He nodded sympathetically, drinking in the story as I told him. I watched several times as he face looked baffled over some of the stories I told. And, I knew this wasn't even all of them. There was stuff deep down I couldn't remember. He kept assuring me that would never happen here and they would protect me and teach me how to fight for the good guys.

This was the day that Shield changed my life. 

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